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  • ACRE TV: 2:22


    by Amina Ross

    A relational exercise, experiment & performance exploring intimacy, power and loving relationships through consensual play.


    Saturday, September 22, 2018 - 19:00 to Monday, October 29, 2018 - 02:15


    ACRE TV - Chicago, United States
  • Nightingale 10!: TELE-THON

    A televisual and multimodal fundraiser for the Nightingale Cinema. Join us irl or url or both for a cavalcade of performances and videos teasing out meaning and monies. Digging into the form and fun, this function features raffles, give-aways, ample opportunities to give to the endlessly vital microcinema right at the beating beautiful heart of Chicago screen culture. Bring your big bucks and best buds as MCs Hammer, Escher and Donald guide you through contemporary and historical tele-works, open the space for this place and goof for good.


    Friday, April 6, 2018 - 20:00 to Saturday, April 7, 2018 - 21:55


    ACRE TV - Chicago, United States
  • Argentine Experimental Cinema

    Argentine Experimental Cinema is a unique program composed of eleven short films that exhibit the contemporary super 8mm practices of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The contributing artists use a variety of different methods to explore the small format's materialistic and imaginative latitude. This includes direct filmmaking and other cameraless approaches, multiple exposures and matte boxes, the use of archival footage, and in-camera editing techniques.


    Friday, September 28, 2018 - 20:00 to Saturday, September 29, 2018 - 19:55
  • Light Field 2018 - Call for Entries

    LIGHT FIELD is an international exhibition of recent and historical moving image art on celluloid, held in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

    Our third annual edition will take place in December 2018

    Submission deadline is October 1st, 2018


    Monday, October 1, 2018 (All day)
  • Cosmic Rays Festival of Experimental, Essay, First Person, & Artists' Film

    Cosmic Rays is an annual celebration of non-commercial short films that extend the idea of film as art. 

    We welcome short work (20 minutes or less) that:

    • Experiments with the formal possibilities of film and video.
    • Explores hybrid forms and the hard-to-describe spaces between filmmaking modes and genres.
    • Speaks with a personal or poetic voice, or explores novel ways of telling stories.
    • Eschews convention and commerce.
    • Has utopian aspirations and weird friends.


    Saturday, December 1, 2018 (All day)
  • Introducing Tony Conrad: A Retrospective

    Throughout his six-decade career, Tony Conrad (1940–2016) forged his own path through numerous artistic movements, from Fluxus to the Pictures Generation and beyond. Conrad, a 1962 graduate of Harvard University, made visits to both Harvard and MIT over the years to present his work, and he had formative experiences at both universities.


    Friday, October 19, 2018 (All day) to Friday, November 30, 2018 (All day)


    Harvard Film Archive - Cambridge, United States
