Latest news

  • 4th Festival ECRÃ

    The ECRÃ Festival is an event that thinks the experimental and the avant-garde in different ways and has already taken around 4,000 people to its facilities. From the cinema experience to the installations and performances, the different forms of immersion are put into practice, from video to VR, from film to debates. The 4th edition of FESTIVAL ECRÃ will take place online from 20 to 30 of August, 2020,

    These are the films that comprise its offiicial selection:


    Thursday, August 20, 2020 (All day) to Sunday, August 30, 2020 (All day)
  • The Other Side

    Open call for creatives at any stage of their careers to submit work for the online exhibition The Other Side, curated and hosted by the anonymous waves White Page Gallery. The exhibition explores the themes of alienation, isolation and loneliness and poses the questions: What effect does new technology and political systems have on these conditions? What impact does the prevalence of these conditions have on a coherent society?


    Monday, August 31, 2020 (All day)
  • Split Videoart Festival

    Split Videoart Festival invites international and domestic video artists to participate in the first edition that will take place in Split 8th -11th October 2020. 

    Call for entries is opened for emerging and established authors, new authors and students. 


    Tuesday, September 1, 2020 (All day)
  • Open Call - The Casserole Series

    The Casserole Series is an online platform for the artistic experiment. Originally The Casserole Series worked as Sunday salons inviting visual artists, installation artists, poets, writers, sound artists, printmakers, and musicians to showcase their work in an intimate setting. Due to the current pandemic, the series has moved online. Each Sunday an artist's work is featured accompanied by an interview. 


    Friday, July 17, 2020 (All day)
  • Cámara Lúcida - V international festival of Experimental, Non-Fiction & Expanded Poetics

    Cámara Lúcida has the purpose of being the convergence of cinematography surrounded by poetry, politics and sensitivity; like the main axis of their aesthetic and narrative being; purposes that deserve being preserved in a society that, slowly but strongly, tries to disappear the criticism and meditation through the overwhelming homogenization.


    Sunday, August 2, 2020 (All day)
  • DEx Online Event: Works by Chick Strand

    D/FW Experimental Film Society presents 2 Films by Chick Strand


    With a live introduction and discussion with Dr. Shilyh Warren, film scholar and Associate Professor at University of Texas at Dallas, and author of the recent book SUBJECT TO REALITY - Women and Documentary Film.

    July 17 2020 8pm CST
    Streaming for Free live on YouTube


    Friday, July 17, 2020 - 20:00 to Saturday, July 18, 2020 - 19:55
