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  • Winnipeg Handshake

    Short films, video, and performance from Winnipeg
    curated by Aaron Zeghers

    Works by Ed Ackerman & Gregory Zbitnew, Karen Asmundson, Alyssa Bornn, Michael Buttersworth & Cameron Cummings, Clint Enns, Scott Fitzpatrick, Walter Forsberg, Guy Maddin, Mike Maryniuk, Milos Mitrovic, Jaz Papadopolous, Heidi Phillips, Matthew Rankin, Colby Richardson, Leslie Supnet, Aaron Zeghers 


    Friday, June 9, 2017 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - New York, Estados Unidos
  • Transmission International Video Art Festival 2017 - Call for entries

    TRANSMISSION ART FESTIVAL 2017 invites everyone to submit videos to the 2nd edition of the Festival, which takes place simultaneously in Karlsruhe (DE), Warsaw (PL) and Kassel (DE) in July 2017. Both established artists and new talents are encouraged to submit works on the theme “We Are All in this Together – A Road Map Through a Post-Truth Art World”.

    Submitted works can be up to 15 minutes long and must be produced in 2015 – 2017. There is no entry fee.

    Deadline for submission is 15th of June 2017 at 12 a.m. CEST time.


    Thursday, June 15, 2017 (All day)
  • Light Movement Hoorn

    A evening of films co-curated with Light Movement, from Berlin, as part of the residency of Alanna Lawley.

    The artist and HMK resident Alanna Lawley seeks to absorb her environment’s physical terms, creating site-specific architectural constructions that masquerade as photographic collages. Through multiple processes, Lawley creates connections to the spatial and physical relationships of image, space and photography. She invited Light Movement to organise a selection of films as a reflection on the themes present in her ambitious site-specific works and to inform her residency at Hotel Maria Kapel, where she continues to develop her body of work referred to as 3D collages.


    Friday, June 2, 2017 - 20:00 to Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 19:55


    HMK {HotelMariaKapel} - Hoorn, Netherlands
  • 2017 Transient Visions: Call for Entries

    We are excited to announce the fifth edition of Transient Visions: Festival of the Moving Image, which will take place on October 20 & 21, 2017 at Spool Contemporary Art Space, an artist-run alternative space in Johnson City, NY. We now look for submissions of short films and videos (less than 20 min.) produced in 2016 or 2017, from emerging and established artists/filmmakers across the globe.


    Monday, July 31, 2017 (All day)
  • Portraits: Pleasure Dome presents 3 films by Kika Nicolela

    A maestro of startling documentary reinvention, Brazilian artist Kika Nicolela, part-time community saviour and veteran of internationalist fringe movie showcases, returns to Toronto to present three of her most prescient encounters. At each turn she finds a way to shine a light onto forgotten faces, the lives of trans women, and the indomitable Marquise of Santos, a larger-than-life figure who courted controversy and royal privilege.


    Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 20:00 to Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 19:55


    Cinecycle - Toronto, Canada
  • Directors Lounge Screening: Dagie Brundert - Ode to Summer

    Directors Lounge Screening
    Dagie Brundert: Ode an Sommer

    Berlin's cultural scene would not be the same, if filmmaker Dagie Brundert was not there. The artist started off in the 90's with some female colleagues as FBI, Freie Berliner Ischen. With ironic and unconventional films they challenged established and artsy art forms, skewed films spiced up with resonances of Camp and Beat, as it reverberated in some young circles in the first decade after the breakdown of the wall. Since then, Brundert stuck to her guns of Super-8 filmmaking with admirable creative productivity. She records everyday occurrences, the obvious things on sight and the things offside, however always dispersing a positive message.


    Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 21:00 to Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 20:55


    Z-Bar, Berlin - Berlin, Germany
