目聶仔影展2-實驗‧時態 T bak-nih-á film festival 2- Times Ex-Tense

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C-LAB——臺灣聲響實驗室 C-LAB Taiwan Sound Lab, Taipei, Taiwan

What is time? And why is film a "time-based art"? By rapidly projecting a series of static frames depicting continuous action, film allows us to experience the illusion of motion. Film is one of the most suitable mediums for expressing temporality. In the 1930s, the film industry established a "standard time" —24 frames per second. This rate was chosen to mitigate the flickering issues in primitive film screenings, smoothen the motions and also enhance the audience's perception of the illusion of continuous motion and the realism of synchronized image and sound. On the other hand, experimental filmmakers utilize the materiality of film to deconstruct this "standard time". They disrupt the illusionary mechanism, rendering film time more flexible and accommodating to diverse narratives, thus enriching the layers of film temporality.

After "Black - A Film Festival" , Bak-Nih Audiovisual Lab focuses on  "Time / Tense" to investigate the spirit of experimental cinema, this time we select 30 experimental films and animations, international or domestic, including avant-garde classics and recent dazzling works. In our programs,  "Time Zone" focuses on works based on visual experiments, emphasizing the deconstruction of analog film and showing the extraordinary dimensions of time; "Killed Time" is a special program for Taiwanese audiences by Vladimir Nadein, founder of the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival, directly explores the dilemma about time in the era of digital capitalism and is thought-provoking; "Playtime", a screening conceived for children and young audiences, combining artist Tsai Wan-Shuen's workshop, is an attempt to allow children express and imagine freely about their perception of time; "On Time" is our first global open call for experimental films. Invited international artists and curators as jury, selected 12 films from nearly 400 works, including wild visual experiments and delicate stories; For this yearùs program, 7 films will be projected on precious 16mm prints. In addition, this year's special program "Sounding Time" - an audiovisual performance conceived by Chou Chaochiun, an expert in Western contemporary musicology, who uses contemporary music to allow the audience to experience an unusual "sense of time" with their ears. Along with visual artist Shake's live VJ, it will be a refreshing unique performance that only happens once.

時間為何物?電影又為何是一門「時基的技藝」?將連續動作的靜態分解畫面快速放映,電影讓我們重新獲得影像運動的幻覺。 電影也成了最適合用來表現「時間性」的媒體之一。1930年代,電影工業系統為電影影像設定了「標準時間」——一秒鐘放映24個畫格。這個運轉速率能降低讓早期初始電影放映的閃爍問題,讓影像的運動更為流暢、也能增強觀眾對連續動作幻覺的感受與音畫同步的現實感。實驗電影則利用電影媒材的物質性拆解這個「標準時間」,打破幻覺機制,將電影的時間變得有彈性,能容納更多元的敘事,表現電影時間更為豐富的層次。

繼「黑影展」 後,目聶映像文化本次以「時態」為主題,展現音像實驗的精神,為台灣觀眾精選了國內外30部實驗電影與動畫,有前衛經典、也有眾多近期的亮眼之作:《時差》單元聚焦在以視覺形式主導的實驗作品,強調類比媒材的解構,展現時間不可思議的向度;《被殺的時間》則為莫斯科國際實驗電影節創辦人——弗拉基米爾納登(Vladimir Nadein) 為台灣觀眾所做的特別企劃單元,直探數位資本主義時代的時間困境;《遊戲時間》針對兒少觀眾構想,結合藝術家蔡宛璇的工作坊,希望讓兒童對時間的感知能有最直接的宣洩與自由的想像;《On Time》,是我們首次舉辦的全球實驗短片徵件活動,邀請國內外藝術家及策展人擔任評審,從近400件作品中揀選出最多元的「時態」,其中有瘋狂的視覺實驗,也有非常精彩的故事。今年的放映節目中,我們特選7部作品,以珍貴的16mm拷貝放映。此外,特別節目《聲感時間》——為西方當代音樂學專家周昭均所策劃的音像演出,用當代音樂曲目讓觀眾在現場用聽覺去體驗不尋常的「時間感」,加上藝術家雪克的現場影像,策劃僅此一場,令人耳目一新的表演。



《時差》TimeZone 05.25 SAT. 13:30 ★ / 05.26 SUN. 19:00

《被殺的時間》Killed Time 05.24 FRI. 20:00 ★ / 05.26 SUN. 13:00

《On Time 》Open Call 國際徵件單元 05.25 SAT. 15:30 / 05.26 SUN. 15:00 ★

《遊戲時間》PlayTime + 親子工作坊 05.25 SAT. 10:30 ★ 僅此一場

《聲感時間》Sounding Times 影像音樂會 05.25 SAT. 19:00 ★ 僅此一場

★- Q/A


詳細節目內容請見節目單 Programs details please see the catalogue https://reurl.cc/p3Zx3Z

售票 Tickets https://www.opentix.life/o/1515942347313938433

Made By 目聶映像文化 Bak-Nih Audiovisual Lab Ltd. https://linktr.ee/baknih



協辦單位:C-LAB 台灣聲響實驗室

贊助廠商 : 豪聲樂器



Friday, May 24, 2024 (All day) to Sunday, May 26, 2024 (All day)



Friday, May 24, 2024 (All day) to Sunday, May 26, 2024 (All day)
  • No. 177 Jianguo South Road Section 1
    Da’an District
    106   Taipei City
    25° 1' 40.2204" N, 121° 32' 17.2608" E