Latest news

  • REAKTOR International Film Festival

    With its third edition REAKTOR will be presenting films from all over the world. Four days of screenings will display hidden jewels, rebels without a cause, monstrous abysses, heartbreaking beauty. International film makers will share their contemporary favourites complementing the jury’s selection from the submissions. Three awards honour filmmakers in fundamental elements of film - script, cut and direction.

    Submitting films to RIFF 2020


    Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (All day)
  • Underneath the Floorboards visual arts night

    'Underneath the Floorboards' are going online this time around with the colaboration of Delete TV and OKTO.TV.
    Bringing you the best in visual arts and experimental film from the UK with artists such as Mark Jenkin, the writer/ director of the Bafta winning feature film 'Bait.' We also bring you the best from around the globe with other visual artists such as Maria Anastassiou, Rocío Mesa, Hanul Kim and many more.

    Viewing is free via OKTV.TV (scroll down to see our event)


    Thursday, April 16, 2020 - 20:05
  • Laterale Film Festival 2020 - Call for Entries

    Laterale Film Festival is an international non competitive Film Festival of cinematic art. The aim of the project is to enhance the most innovative aspects of audio-visual languages of the contemporary world and to reduce the distance between artistic research and public involvement. Particular attention will be paid to young and independent filmmakers and to self-made no-budget works, as result of their own individual search.


    Saturday, August 31, 2019 (All day)
    Thursday, October 31, 2019 (All day)
    Thursday, April 30, 2020 (All day)
  • Video Art Miden: ARTificial Intelligence program online

    Video Art Miden collaborates with the 1st Painting Studio of Athens School of Fine Arts, participating in this year's academic project under the theme "ARTificial Intelligence".


    Monday, April 6, 2020 (All day) to Thursday, April 30, 2020 (All day)
  • The 2020 Film and Video Poetry Symposium Call for Entries

    The 3rd Annual Film and Video Poetry Symposium is scheduled for Fall 2020. Call for entries are now open!

    Poets, filmmakers, media artists, and video artists are called to submit their work to the 3rd Annual Film and Video Poetry SymposiumThis festival and symposium will screen a large scope of film and video projects developed through the medium of poetry. The symposium programmers also curate and present a gallery exhibit in conjunction with the film screenings. 


    Monday, August 3, 2020 (All day)
  • Fracto Political Statement

    The streaming initiative is not only about sharing or showing films. It is about clarifying how artists need to constantly strive to meet society's demands without giving anything back.


  • Microscope Gallery: Call for Online Performances

    Microscope Gallery invites artists from established to the emerging to submit proposals for online performances to be streamed live, including but not limited to durational, film, video, and sound performances for consideration for its weekly Event Series now taking place online. 


    Friday, April 10, 2020 (All day)
