Latest news

  • Edge of Frame: Signal to Noise

    Edge of Frame started life as a blog on experimental animation written by artist and curator Edwin Rostron, and last year grew into a boundary-hopping weekender at the Whitechapel Gallery and Close-Up Cinema. We asked Rostron to put together a special Optical Sound-inspired programme of shorts, and he’s delivered the goods with a selection of extraordinary experiments exploring sound and music in various interesting ways.


    Friday, April 7, 2017 - 18:00 to Saturday, April 8, 2017 - 17:55


    Birmingham Midland Institute - Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • VISIONS | 30.03.17 + 31.03.17 | Fern Silva: Recent 16mm Films + Dialogues

    VISIONS, in collaboration with la lumière collective, presents:

    30.03.17 | FERN SILVA : RECENT 16MM FILMS


    [with works by Peggy Ahwesh, MM Serra, Jennifer Reeves, George Kuchar, Betzy Bromberg and more!]


    Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 20:00 to Friday, March 31, 2017 - 19:55
    Friday, March 31, 2017 - 20:00 to Saturday, April 1, 2017 - 19:55


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
  • Directors Lounge Screening: Ana Bilankov - Night Riders

    Directors Lounge Screening
    Ana Bilankov: Night Riders

    Ana Bilankov, Berlin based artist with Croatian background, creates videos connected with peculiar places in different European cities, Moscow and New York, connected with the geographies and stories of those places, mostly interwoven with her own biography or experience. Her short films often combine a brittle visual poetry with rarified narratives on the soundtrack.


    Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 21:00 to Friday, March 31, 2017 - 20:55


    Z-Bar, Berlin - Berlin, Germany
  • Close-Up: William Raban. Making Films Politically?

    "The problem is not to make political films, but to make films politically." – Jean-Luc Godard 

    Close Up and Carroll/Fletcher are delighted to present a programme of films by William Raban. Artist filmmaker William Raban was a central figure of the London Film-makers' Co-operative. Initially known for his landscape and expanded cinema works of the 1970s, Raban's films from the 1990s onwards look at the island of Britain and its people, in the context of the global economy and the effects of urban change.


    Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - 20:00 to Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, United Kingdom
  • Short Circuit Open Call: RETRO

    Call out for films and videos submissions for RETRO.

    What does ‘retro’ mean to you? Short Circuit is looking for an eclectic mix of experimental documentary shorts that reflect our individual interpretations, reinventions and resurrection of past styles, and methods, for its forthcoming screening.


    Saturday, May 6, 2017 (All day)
  • Open Call for Filmmakers: Yukon Residency

    The Weight of Mountains Filmmakers Residency Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada
    January 10 - April 4, 2018. Applications Close May 3, 2017

    Walking the line between structure and freedom, this residency is a many headed beast: a biennially rotating film collective on assignment, a performance of place, a cultural mirror, a momentary Narnia, an interventionist, a portal, an international exchange and dialogue, and a discovery of the invisible. The Weight of Mountains residency tailors a space for filmmakers to immerse themselves into remote, overwhelmingly present, or challenging environments world wide to intervene, divert, connect, challenge and enhance their creative practice with fellow contemporaries; bringing together international artists and cross-pollinating film and media with global perspectives.


    Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - 12:00 to Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 11:45
  • Cineinfinito #13: Daniel Barnett

    "Daniel Barnett is a leading experimental filmmaker who develops complex metaphors in his films out of rephotography and other post-production techniques. [...] White Heart is his longest and most ambitious work. 'Barnett's film consists of many disparate images, chosen for their strong sensual qualities, coupled with a labyrinthine and equally sensual soundtrack. After establishing the basic images, Barnett begins to interweave them, exaggerating certain qualities (color, texture) during printing.


    Friday, April 7, 2017 - 20:30

