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  • Bradley Eros & Jeanne Liotta: Subverted Horseplay

    Artists Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta, former partners in art and life, reunite to perform together for the first time in over fifteen years. 

    In “Subverted Horseplay” (1994-97), the last performance work of their nearly decade-long collaboration Mediamystics, the mythology of Cowboys and Indians as derived from Hollywood movies and other mass media is subverted through manipulations of the projectors and other interventions that as described by the artists alter and result in the opening of “these fixed iconic pictures to a shifting resonance within their cultural reception”.


    Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - New York, United States
  • Turbidus Film #17: Jerome Hiler

    Turbidus Film and Fylkingen present, as a part of Kortfilmsdagen, three films by Jerome Hiler. The films by Hiler blend a beauteous celebration of the sensual world with a deep sense of introspection and solitude. They are occasions for reflection and meditation, on light, landscape, time and the motions of consciousness. For example, In the Stone House literally compiles physically fragile and intensely poignant footage shot during the same period chronicled in Nathaniel Dorsky's Hours for Jerome (1967-1971).


    Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - 19:00 to Thursday, December 22, 2016 - 18:55


    Fylkingen - Stockholm, Sweden
  • Close-Up Cinema: Transgression

    Karel Doing presents a programme exploring cinematic mischief, with a collection of works that undermine and disrupt contemporary political discourse whilst providing a counterpoint to aestheticism – a tonic for the modern malaise. This selection brings together films from across Europe to reveal surprising links between disparate makers and thinkers – followed by a discussion with the filmmakers about their outspoken and radical positions.


    Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 20:00 to Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Mire: Mechanics of the Copy

    This special session is the launch of the "Re-engineering the industry" program, dedicated to a Mire laboratory machine, the Debrie contact printer, which makes it possible to copy 16mm film. In the coming months, masterclass, workshop and artist residency will aim at a dialogue between artists and technicians in order to perpetuate and develop the use of machinery abandoned by the film industry and to reappropriate its use for artistic purposes.


    Thursday, December 15, 2016 - 21:00 to Friday, December 16, 2016 - 20:55


    Le Cinématographe - Nantes, France
  • MuMaBoX #51: Le Film est déjà commencé?

    In 1951, Maurice Lemaître made his first film, Le Film est déjà commencé? (Has the film already started?). It is the first attempt to destroy the normal framework of the cinematographic representation in which each element is upset: image, sound, screen, venue, spectators... It is the advent of syncinema: it is no longer just a film projection, but a cinema session that has become a work of art as a whole.


    Wednesday, December 14, 2016 - 18:00 to Thursday, December 15, 2016 - 17:55


  • Los Angeles Filmforum: Apocalypsis, by Eric Leiser

    Filmforum concludes its 2016 season with a return visit from filmmaker Eric Leiser.  Experimental animator Eric Leiser makes films that explore dreams, Christian imagery, surrealism, and magical realism while employing a variety of cinematic techniques, including stop-motion animation and holography.


    Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 19:30


    Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos
