
  • (S8) 6a Mostra de Cinema Periférico

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    La eición de este año de la (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico (3 al 7 de junio, A Coruña) se centra en dos focos principales: de una parte, una retrospectiva dedicada a Ken Jacobs, incluyedo dos performances de su Nervous Magic Lantern y una masterclass; de la otra, el protagonista será el cine de vanguardia brasileño, incluyendo películas clásicas, como Límite de Mario Peixoto u otras de representantes de los movimientos del  Cinema Novo y del Cinema Marginal como Glauber Rocha, Nelson Pereira dos Santos y Rogério Sganzerla. El duo artístico Melissa Dullius y Gustavo Jahn (Distruktur) mostrarán una selecci´pon de su obra así como una tripe performance fílmica utilizando proyectores de 16mm. La sección de vanguardias brasileñas también incluirá trabajos de Duo Strangloscope, Gustavo Beck, Ana Vaz, Helder Martinovsky, Priscyla Bettim y Renato Coelho.


    De Miércoles, Junio 3, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Junio 7, 2015 (Todo el día)
  • Full of Fire: North American and Eastern European avant-garde films

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    The aim of the program is to create a bridge between the “Western” and the “Eastern” contemporary avant-garde film discourse. “We picked a few of the most memorable North American avant-garde films made in the last few years and looked for Eastern European ones which somehow refer or connect to them by following a similar trend or technique.”

    As the overall picture of the contemporary avant-garde film scene is extremely complex, each selection is inevitably subjective and reflects the taste and preferences of the curators.


    De Jueves, Mayo 28, 2015 - 18:00 hasta Viernes, Mayo 29, 2015 - 17:55


    Hátsó Kapu - Budapest, Hungría
  • Travels in the city. FIlms around the Valérie Jouve Exhibition

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    The "characters", "bystanders" and "territories" that shape the world of Valérie Jouve serve as a guideline for this proposal of films conceived as an echo to the exhibition. From one session to another, the stated and autonomous movements of the figures in the architecture or the sea intermingle with anonymous street walkers. Surprised by the camera in their daily crossings, they merge with the city accompanying them or guiding them in their comings and goings. A territory is finally built by the meeting of the body in the film of Ahmed Natche Deux mètres de cette terre before the event takes shape in a fragile space-time which gradually fills up.

    A selection of films by Valérie Jouve, Julie Desprairies & Vladimir Léon, Boris Barnet, Jim Jennings, Jem Cohen, Ed van der Elsken, Johan van der Keuken, Ahmad Natche, Mahasen Nasser-Eldin and Claire Denis.


    Jeu de Paume - Paris, Francia
  • Directors Lounge Screening: Distruktur – Perspectives – on Moving

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    A program of shorts by the artist couple Melissa Dullius and Gustavo Jahn with some new and rare films, some German and Berlin premiers. Distruktur – Dullius and Jahn – claim a space fluctuating somewhere between the big and small cinema. Consequently working with analogue film while shooting and mostly also developing their own material, their films seem to create a kinematic time-space that is distinct from the ordinary even though they often use film settings of daily life.


    De Jueves, Mayo 28, 2015 - 21:00 hasta Viernes, Mayo 29, 2015 - 20:55


    Z-Bar, Berlin - Berlin, Alemania
  • FranceDoc #2: Imaginary spaces

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    Space is a raw material and a special subject for film: any film is the encounter of a place (be it that of the room or the screen) and an imaginary. The moving image allows a motionless trip, it is a transit that deploys imagination by objectifying. So travel through the images is also a journey in the image: it is this duplicity that underlies all these films, that explore the boundary between the real space and the imaginary that is appropriated or transmitted, be it technical or subjective.

    Free admission. Session with the presence of filmmakers Mauricio Hernández and Philippe Cote.


    Domingo, Mayo 31, 2015 - 19:30


    Espace en Cours - Paris , Francia
  • Connectivity Through Cinema with Tomonari Nishikawa

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    Mono No Aware presents an intimate screening with artist and filmmaker Tomonari Nishikawa who'll be visiting Brooklyn this weekend to lead a special 16mm Mattes & Multiple Exposures Workshop with us. In a diverse program of work from 2005-2014, Tomonari will screen a series of Super-8mm "sketch films", in addition to recent 16mm and 35mm projects.


    De Domingo, Mayo 31, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Lunes, Junio 1, 2015 - 18:55


    Center for Performance Research - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Millennium Film Workshop: Abraham Ravett

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    Abraham Ravett was born in Poland in 1947, raised in Israel and emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1955. He holds a B.F.A. and M.F.A. in Filmmaking and Photography and has been an independent filmmaker for the past thirty years. Mr. Ravett received grants for his work from The National Endowment for the Arts, The Artists Foundation Inc, Boston, MA., The Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities, The Japan Foundation, The Hoso Bunka Foundation, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, and the National Foundation for Jewish Culture. His films have been screened internationally including the Museam of Modern Art, Anthology Film Archives, The Collective For Living Cinema, N.Y.C., Pacific Film Archives, Berkeley, CA., S.F. Cinematheque, L.A. Forum, Innis Film Society, Toronto, Canada, Image Forum, Tokyo, Japan and Scratch Projection, Paris France, WRO Art Center, Wroclaw, Poland and Ponrepo, Prague, Czech Republic, among others.


    Sábado, Mayo 23, 2015 - 19:30


    Millennium Film Workshop - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Cinema Anèmic #05: La Vidéothèque (Chloé Dragna)

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    La distribuidora francesa La Vidéothèque presenta una selección de cinco piezas de cineastas y artistas audiovisuales que representan diferentes modos de enfocar el paisaje. Estos realizadores internacionales contemplan escenarios exteriores para elaborar discursos narrativos sobre el entorno que, a su vez, inciden sobre el medio que los registra. Cine analógico (super 8/16 mm) y vídeo digital son las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas para dialogar sobre la estética de la naturaleza, la sensibilidad del sujeto perceptivo o el carácter ensayístico de unos montajes finales que entrelazan lo pictórico, lo documental y lo etnográfico.


    Viernes, Mayo 22, 2015 - 20:30


    Espai ST3 - Barcelona, España
  • Xcèntric: Things We Want to See. Rebecca Meyers

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    A Rebecca Meyers no le interesa el modo en que el cine representa la realidad sino cómo la transforma, imprimiéndole un ritmo, color y sonido materialmente distintos. Sus películas en 16 mm son modos de observar cuidadosamente los espacios más cotidianos, presentándolos llenos de misterio, desfamiliarizados, abiertos a posibilidades de investigación infinitas. Paisajes domésticos anotados desde una ventana, algunas historias encubiertas bajo el manto azul del mar o la presencia de un mundo animal inesperado en el entorno urbano, son algunas de las incesantes búsquedas que encontramos en sus películas.


    De Jueves, Mayo 21, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Mayo 22, 2015 - 19:55


  • Kinelab Spezial: Werner Nekes & Klaus Wyborny

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    In the summer of 1968 Werner Nekes and Klaus Wyborny opened a cinema in Hamburg. It was located in a basement in Brüderstraße, furnished with mattrasses and benches. There they showed their films. Metropolis is proud to present two authentic programs of films that were actually shown there in 1968.


    De Viernes, Mayo 15, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Mayo 16, 2015 - 18:55


    Metropolis Kino Hamburg - Hamburg, Alemania
