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  • A Synesthete's Atlas - Eric Theise & Liz Draper

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    An evening of real-time cartographic improvisations using projected, manipulated digital maps by Eric Theise, directed and accompanied by upright & electric bassist Liz Draper. Expect a visual wash of street grids, land masses, bodies of water, and curiosities from the built environment. Saturated colors and subtle tints. Sounds symphonic and serrated. The flicker film as wayfinding device. Orphaned information and untethered symbology.


    Saturday, October 22, 2022 - 20:00


    MirrorLab Studios - Minneapolis, United States
  • Open Call for SPECTRAL Expanded Cinema Residency in S.P.A.C.E. / Berlin

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    S.P.A.C.E. Artists’ Residency– for Projection Art & Experimentation with Celluloid

    Within the framework of the SPECTRAL* project, LaborBerlin** has established a new space where artists can work on Expanded Cinema in Berlin-Wedding. S.P.A.C.E. is a place for enabling artists to experiment with photo-chemical film, light, and sound.
    The S.P.A.C.E. residency programme will cater to individual artists offering an 8 week-long period in which to carry out their own project in the form of a film performance, installation and/ or sculpture.


    Sunday, November 6, 2022 (All day)
  • 4th Edition Screener Short Films - Call for Entries - Last Call

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    We are a short film festival based in Hackney, London. We will screen the finalist films on a specific Hackney venue. Our Festival takes place twice a year.

    At Screener Short Films we showcase the best and most  outstanding international short films.
    Our mission is to encourage and support filmmakers throughout their creative process in order to provide the recognition they deserve.
    We are a platform whose main goal is to provide a space for short independent films which create their own unique language and content.


    Monday, October 3, 2022 (All day)
    Monday, November 14, 2022 (All day)
  • 2nd Wide Open Experimental Film Festival

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    The 2nd annual Wide Open Experimental Film Festival is now accepting submissions for the 2023 festival. See FilmFreeway to submit and for details and terms.

    WOEFF is a festival organized by the Film Department at Oklahoma City University. Inspired by Oklahoma’s wide-open landscape, we want to showcase experimental films that will open peoples’ eyes to the alternative forms, structures, and styles of film.


    Tuesday, November 15, 2022 (All day)
    Monday, December 5, 2022 (All day)
  • UnArchive Found Footage Fest. Call for the 1st edition

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    In a historical moment in which the reuse of images gives rise to highly experimental cinematographic horizons, the UnArchive Found Footage Fest, promoted and organized by the Audiovisual Archive of the Democratic and Labour Movement, aims at presenting audiences with new films made from the reuse of footage found in archives.


    Saturday, December 31, 2022 (All day)
  • VISIONS 14.10.2022: Anti-Banality Union

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    VISIONS, in collaborationwith Hors Champ, presents EARTH II by the Anti Banality Union collective.
    October 14th at 7pm at la lumière collective!


    Friday, October 14, 2022 - 19:00


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
