Open Call for SPECTRAL Expanded Cinema Residency in S.P.A.C.E. / Berlin

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S.P.A.C.E. Artists’ Residency– for Projection Art & Experimentation with Celluloid

Within the framework of the SPECTRAL* project, LaborBerlin** has established a new space where artists can work on Expanded Cinema in Berlin-Wedding. S.P.A.C.E. is a place for enabling artists to experiment with photo-chemical film, light, and sound.
The S.P.A.C.E. residency programme will cater to individual artists offering an 8 week-long period in which to carry out their own project in the form of a film performance, installation and/ or sculpture.

Technically-speaking, S.P.A.C.E. will make it possible for artists to work on their project by providing access to projectors, looping devices, screens and sound equipment. The residency is located in Berlin at Wiesenstr. 29, on the ground floor, in a space encompassing 77 sq. meters. Additionally, participants will receive a 1000 Euro artist's fee for their time in residence. Our international artist(s)-in-residence will stay in a 1-room flat known as Karussell for the duration of their 8 weeks. Travel costs of up to 800 Euro are also part of the residency to enable artists to come to Berlin. Should a group be granted the residency, they will have to share the fee granted as well as the living quarters and studio.

The artist will also, in coordination with the LaborBerlin, be able to use the organisation’s facilities when they are available, these include: a contact printer, Steenbecks, animation stand, optical printer, and a large darkroom. To facilitate use of these devices/ facilities without undo difficulties, the artist has the possibility of having two day-long technical workshops with a LaborBerlin member that they arrange in advance. A designated contact person will be available to answer the artist’s questions.

The program offers 3 residency slots:
01. Apr 2023 until 26. May 2023
29. May 2023 until 23. July 2023
26. July 2023 until 19. Sep 2023

This residency is intended for artists whose work focuses on projects involving analogue film.
Each artist will be required, during the residency, to offer a workshop on an aspect of his or her speciality in the field of analogue film-/performance-art for members of LaborBerlin. At the end of the 8-week long phase of working at S.P.A.C.E, a public presentation of her/ his Expanded Cinema Project is expected. This does not have to be a completed project, but may also be a work-in-progress. The results and experiences gained during the residency will be relayed to interested audiences with the goal of contributing to an archive for contemporaries and future generations of artists working in a similar vein. Additionally, each artist is required to submit a 1-page-long report and photographs documenting what was achieved during the residency.

We are looking for artists who are interested in collective practice and exchanging ideas with colleagues while here. We especially encourage applications from members of marginalized/ under-represented groups, as well as from parents of under-age children. Unfortunately, pets are not allowed.

Applications must arrive by Nov. 6, 2022

Please complete the following form to finalize your application:

If you have questions, please contact us by email: [email protected]

*SPECTRAL (Spatial, Performative & Expanded Cinematic Transnational Research at Artist-run Labs) is a joint project initiated by six such labs focusing on a variety of kinds of work with photo-chemical moving images. SPECTRAL has been conceived to support the creation and dissemination of Expanded Cinematic Art (E.C.A.) and to encourage international collaborations to ensure that this kind of artistic practice can thrive in the future.

** LaborBerlin is a collectively organized film laboratory in Berlin, open to everyone interested in working with photo-chemical film with an artistic and experimental approach. Our lab provides all necessary technical devices and production tools to make films on celluloid base. We are a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences around the practice of analogue filmmaking. We conduct regular workshops, film screenings and exhibitions and are part of a network of artist-run film labs around the globe.


Sunday, November 6, 2022 (All day)

Submission fees: 

Free submissions

Contact Email: 

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Sunday, November 6, 2022 (All day)