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    “Mientras follamos siento que toda mi historia política, que todos mis años de feminismo avanzan directamente hacia el centro de su cuerpo, se derraman sobre ella como encontrando en su piel su verdadera y única playa. Mientras me corro encima, borbotean a mi lado Wittig y Davis, Woolf y Solanas, la Pasionaria y Kate Bornstein. Ella está cubierta de mi feminismo como por una eyaculación fina, como por un océano de purpurina política.” (Testo Yonki. Paul B. Preciado).


    Sábado, Septiembre 25, 2021 - 21:00


    Círculo de Bellas Artes - Madrid, España
  • Films by Luther Price and Tom Rhoads


    Acclaimed Massachusetts experimental filmmaker Luther Price (also known as Tom Rhoads) passed away last June and now Boston’s avant-garde film community comes together to celebrate his life and work with this special 16mm screening of three of Price’s early films.


    Martes, Septiembre 28, 2021 - 19:30


  • “The gatekeepers exist to be overthrown.” - Amos Vogel, Repeats and Responses

    “The most important question – Where is the experimental film movement? – is the one which I wish someone could answer for me”, wrote Maya Deren in August 1946 to the filmmaker Frank Stauffacher who was preparing a program for the San Francisco Museum of Art called “Art in Cinema”. Deren, who was 29 at the time, was a reference because in 1943 she had already started showing the experimental films she made with Alexander Hammid to a select audience.


    De Jueves, Septiembre 23, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Septiembre 30, 2021 (Todo el día)


  • The Cinematic Moment

    With “the cinematic moment” Directors Lounge brings together a selection of artists challenging the separation of film and art. Spanning a breadth of backgrounds and artistic styles, the art works are blurring the lines between cinema and visual while sharing the titular „cinematic moment“.

    Throughout the Berlin Art Week the Tor218 Artlab gallery will be our base. The gallery is also home of the legendary Melody Nelson Bar, making it a true Lounge space and the perfect meeting point for any art and/or cocktail lover.


    De Miércoles, Septiembre 15, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Septiembre 19, 2021 (Todo el día)


    Tor218 Artlab - Berlin, Alemania
  • Films and Sounds: Reflecting on 60 Years of The New York Experimental Film Community

    Films and Sounds: Reflecting on 60 Years of The New York Experimental Film Community w/ MM Serra , Chuck Smith . Sebastian Mekas Emily Singer and Michelle Borreggine

    Screening in-person premiere , Tales and Visions of Community with MM Serra: "To Jonas, with Love" (2021) is a short film honoring Jonas Mekas' films diaries and his impact on the underground film world. Accompanied by a screening of personal vision films featuring artists Maya Deren, Jonas Mekas, Marie Menken, MM Serra, Edward Owens, and Barbara Rubin distributed by The Film Makers Coop.


    Martes, Septiembre 21, 2021 - 18:00


    IRL - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • VII DOBRA - International Experimental Film Festival - Online Edition

    In 2021, DOBRA – International Experimental Film Festival meets its 7th consecutive edition reassuring its commitment with the innovative force of experimental film and the great potential of collaboration of its community. From 6th to 30th September, DOBRA will sail through Brazilian and International production moving film’s thinking, opening it up to the creation of new worlds and proposing aesthetically transforming points of view.


    De Lunes, Septiembre 6, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Septiembre 30, 2021 (Todo el día)
  • Video Art and Experimental Film Event (VAEFE)

    The first edition of the international Video Art and Experimental Film Event (VAEFE) is coming. VAEFE is an outdoor film event for video art and experimental films. The walk-in cinema will bring a selection of 22 short films to Tilburg that comment on the Commons and Commoning.


    De Jueves, Septiembre 23, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Septiembre 25, 2021 (Todo el día)


    SEA Foundation - Tilburg, Holanda
