Sight/Geist - Film & Performance Open Call for Emerging NYC Artists

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Emerging NYC-based artists are invited to submit to the Rubin Foundation's film and performance open call for our fourth season of Sight/Geist at The 8th Floor. Proposals with an experimental and/or pedagogical approach to our mission of art and social justice will be accepted through July 2 for fall-winter 2024-25 programming. It is free to submit and selected artists receive stipends.

To learn more, please visit:

Fecha límite: 

Martes, Julio 2, 2024 (Todo el día)

Tasas de convocatoria: 

Convocatoria gratuita

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Queremos saber si eres humano

Fecha límite: 

Martes, Julio 2, 2024 (Todo el día)
To event remaining 13 days