
  • Model, counter model: The use of films by critics

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    Written by Jonas Mekas for Film Culture in 1955, the article "Experimental Film in America" was particularly critical against the film avant-garde in America considered at that time by the young film critic as "the imprisoned self". Especially violent against filmmakers whose Jonas Mekas will defend the work later with passion and no limits – from Sidney Peterson to Stan Brakhage, Ian Hugo or Kenneth Anger – this lampoon reflected then the need of breaking the accepted ideas inherited from the tradition of the avant-gardism in cinema, but also the necessity, for the film critics, to canalize the dispersed energy of a young and rising generation of filmmakers. Conceived from this founder and critiqueable text, the program Model, Counter Model offers to revisit the use against type of films by critics.


    De Miércoles, Noviembre 26, 2014 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Noviembre 27, 2014 - 18:55


    Centre Pompidou - Paris, Francia
  • SCREENS - Videos by Filipe Afonso

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    Microscope Gallery welcomes Filipe Afonso, Paris-based artist and film programmer at Collectif Jeune Cinema, to the gallery for a screening of his new and recent video works. The 6 videos in the program, all completed between 2012 and 2014, offer personal reflection and observations of the act of watching itself in a society increasingly populated by alternative realms accessible through digital screens – from present TV, to arcade video games, phones, computer-based slide shows and timelines. Looking more closely at what is already in plain sight, Afonso shows individuals absorbed in their daily consumption and interaction with these rectangular flows of images – including himself – and seems to propose rewriting Descartes’ paradigm as “I watch, therefore I am”.


    Lunes, Noviembre 24, 2014 - De 07:30 hasta 08:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Balagan presents... Filipe Afonso & João Vieira Torres

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    Balagan Films is thrilled to present, in person, two Paris-based filmmakers for a screening of their video works and discussion. 

    João Vieira Torres was born in Recife, Brazil, in 1981 and has lived in Paris since 2002. He has studied at the Miami-DCC Art Conservatory and the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, and completed a two-year residency at Le Fresnoy Studio National des Arts Contemporains. He explores the 'other' through his work in cinema, video art, photography and performance. His work has been presented at Palais de Tokyo, Centre Pompidou, Cutlog Art Fair New York, Villa Arson, IndieLisboa, Tampere Film Festival, Vilnius Contemporary Art Center, Laboral, Kassel Dokfest, Barcelona, Cannes Festival Short Film Cornnner, Rio de Janeiro Curta Cinema, Festival de Cine Experimental de Madrid, Copenhagen CPH:DOX, Museu da fotografia de São Petersburgo, Pingyao Photography Festival…


    De Sábado, Noviembre 22, 2014 - 19:30 hasta Domingo, Noviembre 23, 2014 - 20:55


    Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts - Cambridge, Estados Unidos
  • LUX / MRes Public Lecture, Morgan Fisher

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    The films by Los Angeles artist and filmmaker Morgan Fisher (US, 1942) are largely about film itself, whether in its material form and technical procedures or as an institution, such as the tropes of films made in the commercial film industry. Fisher started making film in the late 1960s, when the dominant schools of visual art were minimalism and conceptualism. Some of his films were included in “Information,” the landmark exhibition of conceptual art at the Museum of Modern Art in 1970, and received further recognition at the Independent Avant-Garde Film Festival, London, in 1973. In 2005-2006 a retrospective was presented at Tate Modern, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. From the beginning Fisher made his films as a filmmaker, but the range of his films, touching visual art on one side and on the other the commercial film industry, above all Hollywood, has complicated the reception of his work within avant-garde film criticism. Since the late 1990s Fisher has been active mainly as a visual artist, producing paintings and other works, many of which, like his films, bring into view unexamined assumptions about their medium.


    De Miércoles, Noviembre 26, 2014 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Noviembre 27, 2014 - 18:55


    LUX - London, Reino Unido
  • Absences and (Im)possibilities. Traces of an experimental cinema in Ireland

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    Absences and (Im)possibilities, is a programme of experimental Irish film curated by the Experimental Film Club (Aoife Desmond, Alan Lambert, Donal Foreman and Esperanza Collado), commissioned by Irish Film Institute International and supported by Culture Ireland. The programme features a selection of films from 1897 to 2013, chosen for their relation to the possibility of an Irish experimental cinema. This touring programme, in partnership with LUX, presents a selection of films from the full programme. Filmmakers include the Lumiére brothers, Samuel Beckett, Vivienne Dick, Maximillian Le Cain, Dónal Ó Céilleachair and Jesse Jones.


    De Domingo, Noviembre 23, 2014 - 15:00 hasta Lunes, Noviembre 24, 2014 - 14:55


    Hackney Picturehouse - London, Reino Unido
  • Barbara Rubin: Christmas on Earth, A Season in Hell

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    Legendary figure of the underground community in New York, Barbara Rubin (1945-1980), hired by Jonas Mekas at the Film-makers’ Coop in New York, has frequented many major artists including Robert Frank, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Smith or Andy Warhol. According Jonas Mekas' testimony, Barbara Rubin has been "the glue between the different factions of artists", introducing, for exemple, the Velvet Underground to Andy Warhol. In 1963, she directed Christmas on Earth – her only film, screened on two superposed screens - a transgressif film inspired by the poem "A Season in Hell" written by Arthur Rimbaud in 1873. In combining through an orgiastic ritual, the self-destructive passions of the young filmmaker - 17 year old at this time - and the aspirations of emancipation from her time, Christmas on Earth became quickly a totemic artwork of the underground scene. 

    The screening will be introduced by Philippe-Alain Michaud (Film curator at Centre Pompidou)


    De Miércoles, Noviembre 19, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Jueves, Noviembre 20, 2014 - 19:55


    Centre Pompidou - Paris, Francia
  • Breaking the Frame: Screening and Discussion with Marielle Nitoslawska and Carolee Schneemann

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    The Film and Media Studies Program, the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, The Visual and Cultural Studies Program from the University of Rochester, and the Humanities Department at the Eastman School of Music welcome pioneering performance artist and avant-garde filmmaker Carolee Schneemann with filmmaker Marielle Nitoslawska, presenting a screening of Breaking the Frame (2013), a feature-length documentary portrait of Schneeman. A pioneer of performance and body art as well as avant-garde cinema, Schneemann (Meat Joy, 1964 and Fuses, 1967/2007) has been “breaking frames” of the art world for five decades, challenging assumptions of feminism, gender, sexuality, and identity. Nitoslawska (Bad Girl, 2002, and Sky Bones, 1999) has made numerous film essays, both feature length and short form, on ground-breaking movements and artists such as Domingo Cisneros, Szczepan Mucha, and Jozef Robakowsk, and teaches film production at Concordia University in Montreal.


    De Martes, Noviembre 18, 2014 - 18:00 hasta Miércoles, Noviembre 19, 2014 - 20:55


    Hubbell Auditorium - Rochester, Estados Unidos
  • yb150213

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    B3 is presenting an exhibition about yann beauvais's 40 years of activist, within experimental cinema and video art, since 1974. The show is curated by Jean-Michel Bouhours (Curator from Modern Art National Museum Historical Dept- Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris) and will be on display for 3 months from November 22nd 2104 to February 22nd 2015. For yann beauvais: Making experimental cinema is taking into account both an undervalued story, but also examine how non-narrative, are breaking with historical patterns of narration from a linear support: the movie.


    Jueves, Noviembre 13, 2014 - 22:15


    B Cúbico - Recife, Brasil
  • Sight Unseen presents Sound Matters - Works from Collectif Jeune Cinéma

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    Sight Unseen is honored to have Filipe Afonso, Curator with Collectif Jeune Cinéma, to present a collection of works from CJC. Founded in 1971, Collectif Jeune Cinéma promotes experimental moving image work including the distribution of experimental cinema, regular monthly screenings and the yearly Different and Experimental Cinema Festival of Paris (FCDEP). CJC’s catalogue includes more than 1,300 films from more than 350 filmmakers.

    The emotional, physical and aesthetic value of a sound is linked not only to the causal explanation we attribute to it but also to its own qualities of timbre and texture, to its own personal vibration. So just as directors and cinematographers (even those who will never make abstract films) have everything to gain by refining their knowledge of visual materials and textures, we can similarly benefit from disciplined attention to the inherent qualities of sounds. – Michel Chion, The Three Listening Modes, The Sound Studies Reader, 2012


    De Viernes, Noviembre 21, 2014 - 21:00 hasta Sábado, Noviembre 22, 2014 - 20:55


    The Red Room - Baltimore, Estados Unidos
  • Sweet Work: Sugar and Power

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    Once producing half of the nation's sugar, the Domino Sugar Refinery was a paragon of industrialism in South Williamsburg. Reprising a screening originally presented at Williamsburg’s UnionDocs in July 2014, this program presents a trio of films which examine labor history and issues of power, using this iconic factory as a lens. Domino Sugar—1989, filmed by Domino employee Kenny Malcom in 1989 and recently edited by Anthony Simon and Michael Vass, is “a time capsule of home video vignettes from 1989 filmed by a Domino Sugar employee that illuminates the diversity of the Domino workforce and the empowerment they felt at the time. Featured is a picket line in front of the Domino site, [and] a union meeting dispute between the Domino workers and the ILA Union organizers.” Animator Sarah Jane Lapp’s Sweetface (2000–2013) is a “personal essay film which uses sugar production as a point of departure to explore a variety of relational moments that involve soft power, gratitude and love. The film evolved from the filmmaker’s hand-production of about 1,000 sugar packets, the majority of which she gave as gifts to workers at the Domino Sugar Refinery during their twenty-month strike in the early 2000s.”


    Viernes, Noviembre 28, 2014 - 19:30


    Artists' Television Access - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
