Latest news

  • Derrubada, não!

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    Screening of yann beauvais' new film work, Derrubada, não! at Centro Maria Antonia, São Paulo University. Part of the film cycle, History of Experimentation on Critic and Cinema (HECC) held by professor Rubens Machado Jr. The screening  programmed by Ж will have yann beauvais in presence and a conversation after the screening mediated by the researcher and curator Lucas Murari.


    Monday, August 5, 2019 - 19:00 to Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - 18:55


  • Aldo Tambellini / Early Film and Video

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    "Aldo Tambellini is avant-garde in the purest sense of the word. Some describe the avant-garde as the "vanguard" of aesthetic discovery. By this definition, the avant-garde is viewed as the newest of the new, the "bleeding edge" as some describe it. And Aldo's work certainly conforms to all of these descriptions. His work IS and was beyond its time. His experimentations cross media divides. He pioneered video art and is now pioneering VR at a time when some are still nostalgic for analog purity.


    Friday, August 2, 2019 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 3, 2019 - 19:55


    Al's Cinematheque - New York, United States
  • DIAMETRALE 2020 - Experiment & Humour/Absurdism

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    DIAMETRALE. Film Festival for Experiment & Humour/Absurdism in the Alps of Austria (Innsbruck)
    Call for Submissions! Deadline: Nov 04, 2019
    Apart from short films you can submit VR [Virtual Reality] content the first time.
    We are already looking for Feature / Documentary / Expanded Cinema / Installations / Performances for 2021


    Monday, November 4, 2019 (All day)
  • Games For Windows: Experiments with Video Game Footage

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    GAMES FOR WINDOWS: Experiments with Video Game Footage is a store-front video exhibition that will run October 4 through November 17, 2019 at the Liquor Store (Rochester, NY) as part of the Current Seen exhibition series.

    What are we looking for:
    Experimental video art made with video game footage.

    This can take the form of a more traditional machinima piece, or something completely different. We want to see a Stan Brakhage film made on a Game Boy , or the N64 Flaming Creatures. Surprise us, make us weep.


    Sunday, September 1, 2019 (All day)
  • deranged presents (2): The light of the dialogue, Rrose Present

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    Rrose Present is a Artist of Experimental Moving Images from Barcelona, formed in Philosophy, Fine Art and Audiovisual studies. She writes with light her "Visual Thought Notes" in which she investigates different areas of the image in its formal and dialogical relationship.

    As the brain processes memories with images, Rrose processes with these her personal world, she digests (with images) the images that she receive from the neural network of the global brain and dialogue with the light of other authors:


    Wednesday, July 24, 2019 - 20:00 to Thursday, July 25, 2019 - 19:55
  • AVANT goes Baltic

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    The 16th edition of AVANT explores the Baltic countries by inviting three prominent artists: Deimantas Narkevičius (Lithuania), Ieva Balode (Latvia) and Jaan Toomik (Estonia). In addition, two fairly unknown classics will be shown, Virve Aruoja and Jaan Tooming’s Endless day (1971) that was banned by Estonian authorities, and Adolfas Mekas’ rarely screened Wind flowers (1967).


    Friday, September 27, 2019 - 18:30 to Saturday, September 28, 2019 - 18:30
