Latest news

  • 3 new programs online for September by Video Art Miden

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    Video Art Miden continues its online screenings, presenting 3 new programs in September on Video Art Miden’s youtube channel.

    Artists from 15 countries meet online at Miden’s screenings, in 3 thematic programs which detect contemporary reality and set questions for our world through various artistic forms of contemporary video art.


    Tuesday, September 1, 2020 (All day) to Wednesday, September 30, 2020 (All day)
  • Vinilonga Showcase is looking for short audiovisual works

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    We are a new underground film festival with an open call for audiovisual artists working on experimental, sensory, animated, dance short films and music videos. We are looking forward to create a bi-monthly film festival online based on different themes, which can also be a platform with interviews to artists, reviews of their work and more. We specially encourage Female, LGBTIQ+, Senior, young, disabled, and other underrepresented creators to submite their art.


    Sunday, October 25, 2020 (All day)
  • Underneath the Floorboards - October edition

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    For our next event on the 1st of October hopefully everything will have gone back to "normal." If not we will showcase the event on an amazing online platform as did for the event on the 16th of April, which attracted a large amount of viewers.

    Underneath the Floorboards is a visual arts, experimental film night held in London's buzzing artistic area of Hackney.


    Sunday, September 20, 2020 (All day)
  • Mimesis Documentary Festival

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    The inaugural Mimesis Documentary Festival out of Boulder, Colorado. We are excited by a full program of over 60 exciting works of nonfiction features, shorts, and iDocs, including a first-ever Flaherty Seminar retrospective program entitled The Unwriting of Disaster. Free-to-attend live events take place August 14 and 15, featuring Flaherty x Boulder programmers and filmmakers and MDF filmmakers, guest artists, and scholars.

    Full program at


    Wednesday, August 12, 2020 (All day) to Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (All day)
  • (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico 2020 - Dual edition

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    From September 27-October 3, (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico will celebrate its 11th edition introducing a new dual format. The festival will include a number of performances, gatherings, and film screenings that will be complemented with a selection of contents exclusively designed to be enjoyed online –a complete Internet-based offer that will be available on (S8)’s website and social media sites.


    Sunday, September 27, 2020 (All day) to Saturday, October 3, 2020 (All day)
