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  • HATERS | Program II: Damp Moss

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    HATERS Program II: Damp Moss, examines our ever-changing understanding of our environment and ecology through mediated images, and the manipulation of the landscape by video and other means of modification; creating a moist reality from our shifting perceptions of soft (virtual) and hard (physical) environments.

    Curated by: Christopher Thompson @viewerslikeyou


    Monday, March 1, 2021 (All day) to Wednesday, March 31, 2021 (All day)


  • Citric Signals Video Network Open Call #1: Colors

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    Citric Signals is now accepting submissions for the first of many quarterly, prompt-based open calls. Selected submissions will be screened virtually this Spring.

    Open Call #1: "Colors"
    Deadline: March 15, 2021 @ 11:59 PM. Send us any experimental films you have (new or old) responding to the prompt “Colors”. Only three submissions per artist and works must be SHORTER than 5 minutes. Other than that we’re open to all weird, wild, and avant-Garde work you want to send our way.


    Monday, March 15, 2021 (All day)
  • Screener Short Films

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    Submissions now open for Screener Short Films 2nd Edition

    We are a Hackney (London) based Short films night. We are willing to showcase the selected shorts on a venue in East London on the 1st of July 2021.

    We are looking for short films ( max 30 min length). We are accepting four major categories, including experimental short films as one of them.

    Early Bird Deadline 15th of March, Regular Deadline 15th of May, Late Deadline 15th of June 2021.


    Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (All day)
  • Cine al Patio - Open Call for films

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    Cine al patio presents a monthly selection of short films in the unique outdoor setting of La Casa del Árbol Cultural Centre in the heart of Buenos Aires. Our screenings take place in a relaxed atmosphere, catered to an audience eager to experience high-level artistic content from a variety of culture and genres.

    We are interested in receiving entries from all manner of fields, be it fiction or documentary, experimental or narrative, live-action or animated, and a combination of these.


    Sunday, June 13, 2021 (All day)
  • Call for Films @ Artists 4 Peace Issue 4!

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    At Artists 4 Peace, we dedicate space to the works of people who focus their practice in peace and sustainable living. We collect works in a number of mediums including Architecture, Dance, Film/Video, Multidisciplinary, Music, Theatre, Science, Visual Arts, Written Word, and works from young artists from the age of 18 and below.


    Tuesday, March 16, 2021 (All day)
  • Barcelona International Short Film and Video Festival 2021

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    BSF is an international, juried short film festival, created in 2017 and based in Barcelona, Spain. BSF screens outstanding short film, animation, docs, experimental and video art. We understand that some short film and video blur the lines of typical film festival categories, so we also enthusiastically encourage non-traditional and experimental formats.


    Monday, March 1, 2021 (All day)
    Monday, May 3, 2021 (All day)
    Monday, July 5, 2021 (All day)
  • Canyon Cinema Discovered 2021-2022 Curatorial Fellowship

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    Canyon Cinema Foundation invites proposals for a new curatorial endeavor: Canyon Cinema Discovered. This multifaceted, year-long fellowship program aims to engender fresh perspectives on experimental cinema and to meaningfully expand Canyon’s role in providing access to this key strand of American media art. Four curatorial fellows will be selected to assemble programs from Canyon’s unique collection of artist-made films for online streaming and a possible screening tour (conditions permitting)


    Thursday, April 1, 2021 (All day)
