Latest news

  • Ken Jacobs, Up The Illusion

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    80WSE is pleased to present Up The Illusion, a momentous survey exhibition celebrating the 90th birthday of Ken Jacobs, one of our most iconic and indefatigable moving image artists. Curated by Andrew Lampert, this street level exhibition features a panoramic selection of Jacobs’ nearly 70 years of pioneering films and digital videos in the Broadway Windows gallery located on the corner of Broadway and E. 10th Street.


    Saturday, April 15, 2023 (All day) to Thursday, November 23, 2023 (All day)


    Broadway Windows Gallery - New York, United States
  • 25 FPS Festival 2023 is open for submissions

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    25 FPS Festival presents films which explore the possibilities of cinematic language, narration and the medium itself and broaden the notion of film as art. It promotes expressive original concepts, progresses in terms of theme, idea and aesthetics, as well as works that perpetuate the tradition of avant-garde and experimental film.


    Wednesday, May 31, 2023 (All day)
  • Cinema of Sensations: The Never-Ending Screen of Val del Omar

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    Museum of the Moving Image will present a major exhibition devoted to the work of José Val del Omar (1904–1982), a visionary Spanish artist, filmmaker, and inventor who approached cinema as a multisensory experience.


    Friday, March 10, 2023 (All day) to Sunday, October 1, 2023 (All day)


    Museum of the Moving Image - New York, Estados Unidos
  • Perceptual Exploration: In Dialogue with Anna Kipervaser

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    Anna Kipervaser is a Ukrainian-born artist whose work engages with a range of topics including human and animal bodies, ethnicity, religion, colonialism, and the environment. Her dynamic film practice is informed by a commitment to formal experimentation and incorporates 16mm, digital video, CT scans, archival images and optical printing. Currently a VSW Project Space artist, Anna has curated a program of her films along with films from the archive at VSW.


    Thursday, March 9, 2023 - 19:00


    Visual Studies Workshop - Rochester, Estados Unidos
  • Open call for urban films: Archiba Film Fest

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    Archiba Film Fest is looking for short films portraying the relationship between bodies, movement and architectural or urban spaces.


    Friday, July 28, 2023 (All day)
  • Kamera Series - Experimental Films And Printed Matter - Third Edition

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    KAMERA is back for the third year with a new screening program and exhibition of moving images, video art works and artists’ books in a former GDR building in Berlin, focusing on critical exchanges about contemporary image.

    KAMERA CAHIER is an artists’ booklet to be published in a special edition issue for each event.

    KAMERA N°7
    11 – 15 March (Sunday closed)
    2 – 6 pm


    Friday, March 10, 2023 (All day) to Wednesday, March 15, 2023 (All day)


    Labor Neunzehn - Berlin, Germany
