
  • Ann Arbor Film Festival 50th: Retrospective Screening #2

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    The man who could not see far enough (Peter Rose, 1981)Ann Arbor Film Festival 50th: Retrospective Screening #2
    Space exploration
    curated by Mark Toscano (in person)
    Thursday, October 20th, 19:30h
    Michigan Theater
    603 East Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, 48104 Michigan

    The AAFF 50th: Retrospective Screening Series continues with a program of short archival films selected and presented by guest curator Mark Toscano. Film preservationist for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Toscano curates a selection of rare and influential films from the Ann Arbor Film Festival's 50 years of exhibition history, including recently restored works from the Academy Film Archive.

    Films in the program include:
    - Dialectic definitions (Dana Hodgdon, 1977, 8 min.)
    - Grain graphics (Dana Plays, 1978, 6 min.)
    - Iota (Carolyn Faber, 1998, 6 min.)
    - Roseblood (Sharon Couzin, 1974, 8 min.)
    - Xfilm (John Schofill, 1968, 14 min.)
    - What ignites me, extinguishes me (François Miron, 1990, 9 min.)
    - The man who could not see far enough (Peter Rose, 1981, 33 min)


  • Conversations at the Edge: blue mantle

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    blue mantle (Rebecca Meyers, 2010)Conversations at the Edge: blue mantle by Rebecca Meyers
    Thursday, October 20, 18h
    Gene Siskel Film Center
    164 N. State, Chicago, IL, USA

    Rebecca Meyers in person!

    In her nimble, intimately-observed films, Cambridge-based filmmaker Rebecca Meyers illuminates the uncanny and exquisite in the everyday. lions and tigers and bears (2006) seeks out urban wildlife–from spiders and pigeons to bronze lions and chrome-plated jaguars; night side (2008) captures a wintry twilight of street lamp halos and solitary animals.  Shot along the Massachusetts coast, Meyers’ latest film is a haunting ode to the sea.  Combining historical accounts of ocean travel and disaster with images of its vast, roiling expanse, blue mantle (2010) meditates on humanity’s attempts to conquer the deep and reflects on its role as a metaphor and passageway to the unknown. This evening, Meyers presents these and a selection of earlier works, including glow in the dark (2002) and things we want to see (2004). Rebecca Meyers, 2002- 2010, USA, 16mm, ca. 65 min plus discussion.


  • Oporto apresenta #25: Phaeton

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    Oporto 25Oporto apresenta #25: Phaeton
    Friday, October 21, 2011, 22:30h
    Oporto, Salvador Correia de Sá, 42, 2 frente, 1200-399 Lisboa

    "Phaeton" by David Wharry
    16mm film, b&w,sound, 7' 25, 1978
    With the presence of the author

    When a screen gets in contact with David Wharry`s films, it becomes a photosensitive membrane that, like an "Optogram" (an image imprinted on the retina), registers the surrounding action. The screen works, then, as a memory mechanism, a record of Wharry's actions, unveiling the inner-senses of his humorous cinematic charades.

    It was in the late seventies that the author created "General Picture", a series of episodes built from the rubble of “noir” and mystery films. This body of work is a bright and mysterious plot on the foundations of the moving image. “Phæton” is one of the few episodes of "General Picture" which can be viewed independently. In this short film, Wharry makes us focus on the space between the retina and the eyelid to reveal the origin of the image and the birth of the otherness.

    "Behind and beyond the eyelid" - Alexandre Estrela


  • Experimenta Weekend 2011

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    The return (Nathaniel Dorsky, 2011)Experimenta Weekend, the avant-garde and experimental films strand of the London Film Festival returns once again on October 21-23. Curated by Mark Webber, together with Adam Pugh and Marina Ribera, this year's edition includes highlights such as Jonas Mekas' Sleepless Night Stories, and his correspondence with Spanish filmmaker José Luis Guerín, sessions dedicated to Portuguese filmmaker Gabriel Abrantes and Chick Strand, with newly restored prints of classics such as Loose ends and Cartoon le Mousse.

    As in previous years, the section presents a selection of the most recent experimental works, including the latest films and videos by Nathaniel Dorsky (The return), Ben Rivers (Sack Barrow and Two years at sea), James Benning (Twenty cigarettes) and Phil Solomon (American Falls), who is also the protagonist of 'Feel flows', a partial retrospective at Tate Modern.


  • Paul Clipson / Tashi Wada

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    Light from the mesa (Paul Clipson, 2010)Paul Clipson / Tashi Wada
    Saturday October 29th 2011, 20h
    Echo Park Film Center
    1200 N. Alvarado Street, 90026, Los Angeles, California

    Paul Clipson and Tashi Wada present a performance of their ongoing film and music collaboration. Clipson’s largely improvised and in-camera edited films employ multiple exposures, dissolves and macro imagery, that bring to light subconscious preoccupations and unexpected visual forms. Wada’s recent work focuses on sound perception as a basis for direct listening experiences. Also on the program are three of Paul Clipson's short films, Sphinx on the Seine, Light from the Mesa, and one other to be announced.


  • Feminism and Lesbian Self Representation in Experimental Cinema

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    Barbara HammerFeminism and Lesbian Self Representation in Experimental Cinema
    Conference with Barbara Hammer, Elisabeth Lebovici and Stuart Comer
    Thusrday October 20th, 16h
    Auditorium du Grand Palais, Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris
    As part of FIAC 2011. Presented by Koch Oberhuber Wolff, Berlin

    Barbara Hammer was born in 1939 in the Unites-States. She is known as the first female filmmaker to address topics of lesbian emancipation. Since the late 60s, the American artist has influenced feminist film practice and constantly participated in related theoretic debates. A classic in experimental cinema, Barbara Hammer has recently gained attention in the art world together with other feminist artists of her generation. The debate with Elisabeth Lebovici, Barbara Hammer and Stuart Comer examines the development of feminist perspectives in the last decades and questions the public recognition of emancipatorial projects.


  • Festival du Nouveau Cinéma de Montréal

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    FNC logoFor the past 40 years, the Festival du nouveau cinéma has been bringing innovative and hard-hitting films to audiences of all stripes. Internationally renowned for its audacious programming, the Festival is the ultimate showcase for original works with penetrating artistic perspectives onto the world.


    Wednesday, October 12, 2011 (All day) to Sunday, October 23, 2011 (All day)
  • MassArt Film Society: Multi Projector Experiments by Roger Beebe

    By on Film Society: Multi Projector Experiments by Roger Beebe
    Wednesday October 5th 2011, 20h
    Massachusetts College of Art, Film Department
    Screening room 1. 621 Huntington Ave. Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA


    Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - 20:00 to Thursday, October 6, 2011 - 19:55


    MassArt Film Society - Boston, Estados Unidos
  • SAW Video Collective: Public Domain

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    Vortex (Gennaro de Pasquale, 2010)Library and Archives Canada holds thousands of film documents which are now free of copyright. These documents cover a wide range of historic events which played a role in the collective history of Canada, such as the First and Second World Wars and our industrial development.


    Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - 19:00 to Thursday, October 6, 2011 - 20:55

    Venue: - London, United Kingdom
