Últimas noticias

  • A Synesthete's Atlas - Eric Theise & Ken Field

    Real time cartographic improvisations using projected, manipulated digital maps by Eric Theise, accompanied by Ken Field's ethereal and cinematic improvisations on saxophone with looping electronics. An evening of street grids, rivers, islands, and curiosities from the built environment. Saturated colors. Glitches in crowdsourced data. Orphaned information and free-floating symbology.


    Jueves, Junio 23, 2022 - 19:30


    Magazine Beach Powder Magazine - Cambridge, Estados Unidos
  • Bloomsday Film Festival: Arran Tenzin Bradstock's OVERLAP

    Bloomsday Film Festival 2022 will feature OVERLAP, a new experimental short by Irish filmmaker Arran Tenzin Bradstock. OVERLAP showcases Arran’s approach to non-narrative filmmaking that gives equal importance to sounds and images. In this immersive experimental film, a quiet street at night and a droning sonic collage are put under the spotlight, opening the doors to a meditative contemplation on the audiovisual experience.


    Martes, Junio 14, 2022 - 15:30


    James Joyce Centre Dublin - Dublin, Irlanda
  • "The Peoples' Revolt: A New Constitution" Chilean Experimental Films of Resistance

    The People’s Revolt: A New Constitution, is an experimental film and video screening inspired by the social movement that bursted on October 18, 2019 in Chile, and that led the country to a plebiscite to vote for a new constitution. The original program, The People's Revolt, premiered over 2 years ago at Anthology Film Archives.

    “The People’s Revolt has been a dream in the minds and hearts of many generations of Chileans.


    Sábado, Junio 11, 2022 - 20:00


    Millennium Film Workshop - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • No Master Territories: Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image

    At a time when feminism is enjoying a mainstream resurgence but must be reclaimed from a neoliberal emphasis on individual success, and when the hybridization of documentary and artists’ film occupies a vital place in the landscape of contemporary practices, the exhibition No Master Territories makes a strategic return to the past. By revisiting the period of the 1970s to 1990s, it aims both to pay homage to the important work that has come before and to respond to the urgencies of the present.


    De Domingo, Junio 19, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Agosto 28, 2022 (Todo el día)


    Haus der Kulturen der Welt - Berlin, Alemania
  • Marcel Broodthaers and Cinema: Symposium and Film Program

    Marcel Broodthaers, famous for his iconic art objects and décors, also made some fifty short films. In addition, many of his works contain references to the history, technology, and conventions of cinema. The symposium Marcel Broodthaers & Cinema: ‘Poèmes cinématographiques’, Moving Scripts, jointly organized by the University of Antwerp, CINEMATEK, WIELS, Cinea, and Maria Gilissen – Succession Marcel Broodthaers aims to highlight this aspect of his oeuvre. It welcomes both the general public and connoisseurs.


    De Viernes, Junio 17, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Junio 18, 2022 (Todo el día)


    Cinematek - Brussels, Bélgica
