
  • Picture in Picture 2: Japanese Experimental Films of the Late 1970s & 1980s

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    Cinema Project’s second program of Japanese experimental films—the first presented in May 2013—continues to explore the short works of filmmakers Takashi Ito and Toshio Matsumoto. Once a student and teacher duo, both experimented with techniques of still photography in a number of their films produced during the 1970s and 80s.  Techniques included using time-lapse photography, single-frame shooting, or employing the still photo as both object and extra-dimensional window.


    Jueves, Mayo 14, 2015 - 20:30


    S1 - Portland, Estados Unidos
  • Pleasure Dome: Radiant Bodies

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    Radiant Bodies is a collection of moving image works that explores the intersections between the human body and the radiant properties of cinema. Through hand-made techniques that focus on the materiality of moving images, each of these works underscore the invisible ways in which the world imprints upon human, and other, bodies. Photographic images are dependent on light, and could not exist without the ability to receive and transmit energy that then forms realistic images. However, radiant energy can be simultaneously damaging. Unprotected negatives and photo-paper become blackened and useless, magnetic waves warp video images, and incorrect exposure in camera similarly destroys photographic information in film, analogue or digital formats.

    Featuring works by: Emily Pelstring, Gariné Torossian, Daniel McIntyre, Louise Borque and Kyle Armstrong. Curated by Melanie Wilmink


    Jueves, Junio 4, 2015 - 19:30


    Cinecycle - Toronto, Canadá
  • Arcane Project: An evening of glass slides, magic lantern projections, and antique technologies

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    Lary Seven, Joel Schlemowitz and Bradley Eros, experimental film artists and collectors of obsolete media artifacts, (joined by members of Optipus, the expanded cinema group), present a night of uncanny images: mysterious travels, occult iconography, bizarre creatures, industrial detritus, and the strange and wondrous landscapes of fairy tales, fables and myths of the artificial sublime, displayed through the translucent exotica of hand-tinted photographs, decayed surfaces, and odd symbols and illustrations of the mundane made marvelous.


    De Jueves, Junio 4, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Junio 5, 2015 - 19:55


    Morbid Anatomy Museum - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • MuMaBoX #40: Palingenesis. The rebirth of Nature

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    The palingenesis means regeneration after an apparent death. In cinema, the rebirth of nature may appear in the pattern, the shape of the film or the image itself. For example in the return of vegetation among the ruins and trauma of History (Resnais, Pollet, Herzog).


    De Miércoles, Mayo 13, 2015 - 18:00 hasta Jueves, Mayo 14, 2015 - 17:55


  • VISIONS: Ted Kennedy + Allan Brown

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    VISIONS presents : LOST & FOUND : the videos of Ted Kennedy (NYC) preceded by two films by Allan Brown (MTL)
    Filmmakers present.

    Ted Kennedy is a filmmaker and programmer. Originally from Michigan, he is now based in New York and is currently an MFA candidate at Bard College. His video and installation work has been exhibited at BAM (Brooklyn), Heliopolis (Brooklyn), Media City Film Festival (Windsor, Canada), Microscope Gallery (Brooklyn), Flex: The Florida Experimental Film/Video Festival, the Portland Experimental Film Festival, Onion City Film Festival (Chicago), Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Iowa City Documentary Film Festival, and the Art of the Real film series at Lincoln Center among other venues. In 2011, he co-founded the Studies and Observation Film Series, presenting creative non-fiction and experimental films in Ann Arbor. Most recently he co-programmed the Flaherty NYC 2014 Fall Series. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Union Docs and the Ann Arbor Film Festival.


    Miércoles, Mayo 13, 2015 - 17:30


    Microcinéma être - Montreal, Canadá
  • The Film Farm Lux 20th Anniversary Show

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    After shows in Los Angeles (Echo Park), Winnipeg (WNDX Festival) and Toronto (Pleasure Dome) the 20th Anniversary Film Farm celebrations journey to the U.K., presented by Lux Moving Image of London! The Film Farm Lux 20th Show, curated and presented by Artistic Director and founder Philip Hoffman, includes early and recent films (16mm and digital) made at the Film Farm between 1994 and 2014.


    De Lunes, Mayo 18, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Martes, Mayo 19, 2015 - 18:55


    LUX - London, Reino Unido
  • Experimental films with Sonic Circuits

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    - Chroma (Jeremy Moss, 2012, 3 min. 26 sec., digital video, color, silent)
    A wild and hypnotic ride that focuses, via manic perspective shifts, on the driving movement of a solo figure against a backdrop of frenetically flickering colors; these jolting chromatic and frame variations dance as much as the performer.

    - MEMORY V Sodankylä (Gloria Chung, 6 mins 8 secs, 2014)
    Daze under the midnight sun.

    - Journal of Drifting Hours (Chris H Lynn, 3.00 Min)
    Drifting moments, lyrical passages, memory impulses, landscape studies and visual notations captured on unedited super 8 film.


    De Viernes, Mayo 15, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Mayo 16, 2015 - 19:55


    Pyramid Atlantic Art Gallery - Silver Spring, Estados Unidos
  • Un nuevo mensaje: apropiaciones de lo comercial

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    Con motivo de la exposición de Jim Campbell. Ritmos de luz, se celebra un ciclo audivisual comisariado por Natalia Piñuel y Enrique Piñuel, de Playtime Audiovisuales, donde a lo largo de tres sesiones se revisan conceptos como el apropiacionismo, el found footage y la luz, presentes en la obra del artista.Esta segunda entrega estará dedicada a obras de cineastas y artistas audiovisuales que trabajan a partir de la apropiación y recontextualización de imágenes procedentes del cine comercial, los documentales y la televisión, dotándolas de nuevos significados y nuevas lecturas que dejan ver sus artificios. Se hace presente la crítica social en el aspecto temático, y la materialidad y alteración del propio soporte con el que trabajan sus obras en el lado formal.

    La sesión comenzará con la proyección de cinco cortometrajes y después se celebrará un coloquio entre Andrés Duque y Gloria Vilches, moderado por Natalia Piñuel.


    De Miércoles, Mayo 20, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Mayo 21, 2015 - 18:55


  • MoMA Presents: Barbara Hammer’s Welcome to This House, a Film on Elizabeth Bishop

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    With her latest work, Barbara Hammer, who is known for films about lesbian life, history, and sexuality that draw upon avant-garde tradition, examines the little-known aspects of the life of the Pulitzer Prize–winning American poet Elizabeth Bishop (1911–1979). Hammer’s film, shown here in its New York premiere, explores Bishop’s inner life through some of the homes in which she lived and wrote—from childhood to her final days—and through the more private and sensorial poems that were published after her death. Featuring music composed and performed by the experimental singer and musician Joan La Barbara; Bishop’s intimate poems read by Kathleen Chalfant; three actors representing Bishop’s physical presence at different stages of her life; and interviews by historians, poets, and students, Welcome to This House sensitively portrays a complex, private, and challenging writer whose poetry continues to inspire.


    De Martes, Mayo 26, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Lunes, Junio 1, 2015 (Todo el día)


    MoMA New York - , Estados Unidos
  • Crater Lab: PHENOMIA

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    Dos sesiones dobles de experimentación formal, improvisación visual y sonora en distintos formatos de proyección: cine en 16mm, diapositivas y video. Un programa de cuatro artistas que investigan en 4 performances la relación de la imagen y el sonido en directo.

    Del granizo que ocurre afuera, o la cualidad que puede percibirse confundido por la conciencia, intermitente y abrasiva, minuciosa vibración desplazada, lúcida e intrincada. Allí, inevitablemente, todos forman PARTE del fin del drama, atravesando el tiempo de mano izquierda, endemoniada, espectral. Meras experiencias, únicos accidentes controlados PARA ese único momento. O de cuando la forma incluye la expresión de su propia materialidad.


    Lunes, Mayo 11, 2015 - 20:30
    Martes, Mayo 12, 2015 - 20:30


    Antic Teatre - Barcelona, España
