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  • Xcèntric: Spiritual constructions

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    A programme of screenings to accompany the exhibition “The Thinking Machine. Ramon Llull and the «ars combinatoria»

    Before artists worked with computers, a series of avant-garde painters such as Oskar Fischinger, Harry Smith and Jordan Belson created a form of non-narrative film that addressed geometry, the possibilities of mathematic combinations, and spirituality. After these visionaries, artists like John Whitney embraced the new synthetic image medium to continue exploring abstract animation. Many artists have followed in their wake, up until the present day.


    Sunday, December 4, 2016 - 18:30


  • OFFoff Cinema: Televizinho, a live video-essay by Veridiana Zurita

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    Televizinho is an ongoing project of re-enactments of soap operas in different contexts in Brazil. Its first edition took place in 2014 when Veridiana Zurita worked together with the riverside community 'Santa Isabel' in the Amazon. During 4 months she lived together with different families along the Tupana river, eating what they ate , sleeping as they did, watching what they watched: soap operas. Every night they looked at the soap together and picked out a scene to re-enact the next day. While using the participants' houses as movie set, the re-enactments took the form of something between fiction and documentary. The way soaps seem to order language and physicality was disturbed by those re-enacting it while different logics of appropriation were inaugurated.


    Monday, December 5, 2016 - 20:00 to Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 19:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Belgium
  • MANA Contemporary Body + Camera Film Festival

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    Mana Contemporary Chicago, in collaboration with Chicago Dancemakers Forum and montom arts, is accepting entries for the first annual Mana Contemporary Body + Camera Film Festival.

    This dynamic new festival celebrates the intersection between the moving body and the moving image, focusing on risk-taking and independent artists, with contemporary, experimental projects that push traditional mediums to their edge.


    Monday, February 20, 2017 (All day)
  • Close-Up: Storm De Hirsch - Goodbye In The Mirror

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    First of their new strand of screenings at Close-Up, and programmed by Arindam Sen, Rattis Books presents Storm De Hirsch's rarely screened Goodbye in the Mirror on a beautiful 16mm print, "A dramatic feature shot on location in Rome. Centred around the adventures and illusions of three girls living abroad, the film explores their restlessness and personal involvements in assuming the role of woman as hunter".


    Friday, September 16, 2016 - 20:00 to Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, United Kingdom
