
  • Scratch Projection: F O C U S

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    1859 (Fred Worden, 2008)Scratch Projection: F O C U S
    Tuesday 12 February 2013, 20:30h
    Cinéma Action Christine
    4, rue Christine, 75006 Paris

    Program introduced by Erwin van ‘t Hart (International Film Festival of Rotterdam and freelance programmer)


    Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 19:30 to 21:30
  • Xcèntric: Museum Films II - The MACBA Collection

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    Not I (Samuel Beckett, 1972)Xcèntric: Museum Films II - The MACBA Collection
    Thursday January 31st 2013, 20h
    Xcèntric CCCB, Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona

    The early days of video: the day a camera was taken into an artist’s studio not only provided a reflective, narcissistic gaze, as Rosalind Krauss has said, it also discovered a time of its own—genuine, expanded and with no restrictions whatsoever. Four titles provide an introduction to the key decade around which the MACBA Collection is constructed. Presented by Carles Guerra, chief conservator at the MACBA and programmer of this session.

    - Pulling Mouth (Bruce Nauman, 1969, 11 min.)
    - Marcel Broodthaers. Musée d’art du XVIIe siècle (Jef Cornelis, 1969, 5 min.)
    - Not I (Samuel Beckett, 1972, 12 min.)
    - Baldessari Sings Lewitt (John Baldessari, 1972, 13 min.)


  • Xcèntric: The parallel attempt

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    Doppio autoritratto (Marinella Pirelli, 1974)Xcèntric: The parallel attempt. Italian experimental film
    Thursday January 24th 2013, 20h
    Xcèntric CCCB, Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona

    A reflection on the figure of Marinella Pirelli, an Italian experimental filmmaker with a body of work that has languished for over 40 years in a dark basement. Her films dialogue directly with those of two other Italian filmmakers, Piero Bargellini and Paolo Gioli, constantly questioning the paradigms required to generate an image and its relation with the cinematographic device. Styles, forms and means of production that initially seem very different come together in this session to generate a narrative that runs through the cinema, the technological imaginary and the optical unconscious of Italian experimental film production of the 1960s and 1970s.

    - Gioco di dama (Marinella Pirelli, 1961-1963, 6 min)
    - Inter-vento (Marinella Pirelli, 1969, 3 min)
    - Sole in mano (appropriazione, azione propria, a propria azione) (Marinella Pirelli, 1973, 6 min)
    - Il lago (soggettivo-oggettivo) (Marinella Pirelli, 1965, 14 min)
    - Nelda (Piero Bargellini, 1969, silent, 4 min)
    - Secondo il mio occhio di vetro (Paolo Gioli, 1971, 10 min)
    - Immagini reali immagini virtuali (Paolo Gioli, 1972, 10 min)
    - Doppio autoritratto (Marinella Pirelli, 1974, 12 min.)


  • Corin Sworn: The Rag Papers

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    The Rag Papers (Corin Sworn, 2013)Corin Sworn: The Rag Papers
    8 February - 24 March 2013
    Preview: Thursday 7 February 2013, 18:30-20:30h
    Chisenhale Gallery
    64 Chisenhale Road, London E3 5QZ

    Chisenhale Gallery presents a newly commissioned work by the Canadian, Glasgow based artist Corin Sworn. This will be Sworn’s largest and most ambitious exhibition to date and comprises a film presented as part of an installation with synchronised lighting and sound.

    The Rag Papers (2013) explores the socially constructed nature of attention and the implications of reuse and appropriation as they reconfigure the meaning of things. The film’s worried narrative shifts between the perspectives of three characters who interact with a series of objects at distinct moments in time. The film uses point of view shots and cutaway sequences to suggest the roaming of each character’s attention and in doing so introduces itinerant spaces such as hotel rooms, sorting depots and markets.

    Sworn uses the language of filmmaking to question human agency, layering multiple subjective viewpoints and presenting the distracted nature of attention and thought patterns as she shifts back and forth between the modes of remembering, looking, processing and reading. Objects play a central role in the film, almost as characters in their own right, but the suggestion that they indicate or hold specific meaning is deflected as designations shift.


  • Xcèntric: Dressing for pleasure

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    Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963)Xcèntric: Dressing for pleasure
    Thursday January 17th 2013, 20h
    Xcèntric CCCB, Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona

    Julien Temple offered segments of the film Dressing for Pleasure in the Sex Pistols’ documentary The Filth and the Fury (2000). Four years later, designer Vivienne Westwood, the mother of punk style, ran the entire film on a continuous loop at the London retrospective of her career. Only then was the first recognition expressed of the work of John Samson, a forgotten filmmaker who influenced the British punk aesthetic of the seventies and eighties. He has often been considered the European Kenneth Anger, which is why we present the work of the two in a single session for the first time. Scorpio Rising is a fundamental work in American underground cinema that continues to fascinate contemporary creators. To top it off, we retrieve the recreation of Scorpio Rising that video clip artist Luis Cerveró made for the CCCB to publicise the exhibition “That’s Not Entertainment! Film Begets Film”.

    - Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963, 16 mm, 29 min)
    - Dressing for Pleasure (John Samson, 1977, 25 min)
    - Tattoo (John Samson, 1975, 20 min.)
    - Xcèntric. That’s Not Entertainment (Luis Cerveró, 2007, 35 mm, 1 min 30 s.)


  • Xcèntric: The Gas Works Screenings & Threaded Cocktails

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    Esperanza Collado, The Gas WorksXcèntric: The Gas Works Screenings & Threaded Cocktails performance
    Friday, January 11, 18:30h
    Xcèntric CCCB, Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona

    The Gas Works are a series of unique films conceived as instable performances of sonic light. Made and projected by hand, the author - Esperanza Collado- describes them as "ephemeral collages in motion or gaseous light sculptures in which cinema is derailed and subject to stitching." The project explores performative aspects involved in mechanical projection such as the plasticity of luminous space, the reading of optical sounds, and the microstructures of the interval.

    - The Gas Thus Cuts in Bits (Esperanza Collado, 2012, 16mm and Super16, colour and b&w, optical sound, 8min. 40sec.)
    - The Illuminating Gas (Esperanza Collado, 2012, 16mm and Super16, colour and b&w, optical sound, 9min 6sec.)

    Operation Rewrite is the artistic collaboration of The Consecutive Impostors (Esperanza Collado and Maximilian Le Cain), in which they explore the cinematic workings of the cut and interruption. Their performances are disturbing and humorous, showing the artists as 'scientist' figures realizing a series of actions involving elaborate projections and sounds, awaken dreams, and domestic objects. Irish theatre maker John McCarthy collaborates.

    With the support of Culture Ireland.


  • Xcèntric: Exquisite collages

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    Rabbit (Run Wrake, 2005)Xcèntric: Exquisite collages I & II
    Friday, January 11, 20h
    Saturday, January 12, 20h
    Xcèntric CCCB, Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona

    A selection of shorts by classic collage artists alongside new talents.

    Programme 1, Jan.11, 20h
    - Las Variaciones Schwitters (Alberto Cabrera Bernal, 2012, 6 min)
    - Mothlight (Stan Brakhage, 1963, 4 min)
    - The Garden of Earthly Delights (Stan Brakhage, 1981, 1 min 30)
    - Solar Sight (Larry Jordan, 2011, 15 min)
    - Odds and Ends (Jane Congel Belson Shimane, 1959, 4 min)
    - Recreation (Robert Breer, 1957, 2 min)
    - Jamestown Baloos (Robert Breer, 1957, 6 min)
    - Unnamed Film (Caroline Avery, 1989, 45 seg)
    - Fil(m) (Frédérique Devaux, 2001, 4 min)
    - La Pêche Miraculeuse (Cécile Fontaine, 1995, 10 min)
    - Speak (John Latham, 1962, 11 min)

    Programme 2, Jan.12, 20h
    - Brana Calypso Dendrita (David Domingo, Darío Peña y Dostopos (Ana Pfaff y Ari Ribas), with music of Afrika Pseudobrutismus, 2012, vídeo, 14 min (produced for the Picnic Sessions 2012 of CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo))
    - Rabbit (Run Wrake, 2005, 35 mm, 5 min)
    - Cineblatz (Jeff Keen, 1967, 16 mm, 3 min)
    - Nook & Cranny (Francien Van Everdingen, 2008, 16 mm, 3 min)
    - Cats Amore (Martha Colburn, 2002, video, 2 min 30 seg)
    - À la Mode (Stan Vanderbeek, 1959-1960, 16 mm, 7 min)
    - Tango (Zbigniew Rybcynski, 1981, 35 mm, 8 min)
    - Höhenrausch (Siegfried A. Fruhauf, 1999, 16 mm, 4 min)
    - Nujiman no borei / 200 000 Fantômes (Jean-Gabriel Périot, 2007, vídeo, 10 min)
    - Phantom Canyon (Stacey Steers, 2006, 35 mm, 10 min)

