Últimas noticias

  • Intimate Strangers

    The films of this screening offer varied views on the concept of the foreigner, by emphasizing the personal experience of the filmmakers: the feeling of strangeness experienced towards the place of origin, the discovery of the other and the bond of sympathy within the journey, the experience of exile, and finally the history of the split of a country. Vehicles of this otherness, the forms break, shatter in contact with the other, calling into question their borders.<


    De Viernes, Enero 31, 2020 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 1, 2020 - 19:55


    Cinéma le Grand Action - Paris, Francia
  • YES: Will Bragger / Matt Whitman

    Microscope is very pleased to present an evening of short films by New York-based artists Will Bragger and Matt Whitman, as part of our emerging artist series YES.

    The work in the program by Bragger and Whitman, who both work with analog film formats in distinct ways, treat celluloid film as a means to extend or incorporate other and historically separate mediums, such as painting and digital media.


    Viernes, Enero 17, 2020 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Pugnant Film Series (Winter Edition)

    The Pugnant Film Series is a nonprofit organization that organizes screenings of underground, dada & auteur cinema in Athens & Greece generally.

    We exhibit screenings all the year in different places. You can see the kind of films that we are more interested looking at our past events.

    We are looking for independent cinema. Auteur Cinema. Bizarre Cinema.

    Fecha límite: 

    Sábado, Febrero 15, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • Kinodot 2020 Experimental Film Festival Call For Entries

    The 8th Experimental Film Festival Kinodot will take place in May 2020 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
    Check out for more details at kinodot.com

    Deadline for submissions - 28 February 2020
    Platforms: FilmFreeway and Festhome

    Experimental films of any length, finished after 15.01.2018 are welcome.
    The entry fee is $10. All films selected for Kinodot competition are offered the screening fee of $40.

    Looking forward to seeing your films!
    Kinodot team

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Febrero 28, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • BFMAF 2020 Call for Entries

    BFMAF's 2020 Call for Entries is now open and we would love to see your work!

    Film entries of all lengths and formats are encouraged and will be considered across all areas of our programme.

    All selected artists and filmmakers will receive a screening fee, festival accommodation and a contribution towards travel costs. All single screen works under 60 minutes in length are eligible for the Berwick New Cinema Competition which has a £1,000 prize.

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Enero 31, 2020 (Todo el día)
    Viernes, Marzo 20, 2020 (Todo el día)
    Lunes, Abril 6, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • Operate - Performative Cinema

    A thrilling experimental evening at the cinema, featuring artistic research in practice at the Film Museum in cooperation with the Department of Experimental Design at the University for Art and Design Linz / Experimentalfilmlabor Siegfried A. Fruhauf.


    De Viernes, Enero 10, 2020 - 17:00 hasta Sábado, Enero 11, 2020 - 16:55


    Austrian Film Museum - Vienna, Austria
  • Reminiscences of Jonas Mekas

    Jonas Mekas’s films celebrate life. They rise up against the world’s overwhelming commercialism, attempting instead to revive the pleasures of friendship, a first snowfall or the return of Spring. Mekas’s genius stems from his generously including the viewer in his vision of the world, allowing us to (re)discover, in a simple image, the incredible force and necessity of poetry.” – Yann Beauvais


    Domingo, Enero 19, 2020 (Todo el día)
    Miércoles, Enero 22, 2020 (Todo el día)


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
