Últimas noticias

  • 10.05.2023 VISIONS: ISIAH MEDINA

    VISIONS, in collaboration with Main Film and Everyday Ago, presents a double programme by ISIAH MEDINA on May 10th at la lumière collective at 7pm & 9pm.

    Programme 1 (19h):
    A selection of shorts by Isiah Medina

    Programme 2 (21h):
    INVENTING THE FUTURE by Isiah Medina.

    Filmmaker in attendance


    Miércoles, Mayo 10, 2023 - 19:00


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
  • Laterale Film Festival 2023 call for entries

    Laterale Film Festival is an international non competitive Festival of cinematic art organized by Associazione Culturale Laterale.

    The aim of the project is to enhance the most innovative aspects of audio-visual languages of the contemporary scene and to reduce the distance between artistic research and public involvement. Particular attention will be paid to young and independent filmmakers and to self-made no-budget works, as result of individual search.

    Fecha límite: 

    Lunes, Octubre 31, 2022 (Todo el día)
    Miércoles, Noviembre 30, 2022 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Diciembre 31, 2022 (Todo el día)
    Martes, Enero 31, 2023 (Todo el día)
    Miércoles, Mayo 31, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • The Films of Ted Sonnenschein

    On Saturday April 29th at 7:30pm, Film Diary NYC and the Millennium Film Workshop are proud to present the New York Premiere of The Films of Ted Sonnenschein, organized by Robert Orlowski.


    Sábado, Abril 29, 2023 - 19:30


    Millennium Film Workshop - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Scratch: A Tribute to Dore O. (1946-2022) - Screening & Book launch

    This screening honors the work and legacy of one of Germany’s most pioneering, yet overlooked experimental filmmakers. In the 1960s, the painter Dore O. became one of the first women to work consistently and independently in postwar German experimental cinema. A co-founder of the Hamburg Co-op, she was actively involved in exploring new forms of cinema with her then-husband, Werner Nekes.


    Jueves, Mayo 4, 2023 - 20:30


    Luminor Hôtel de Ville - Paris, Francia
  • Irish Focus: Blissed

    Blissed is an experimental love story, both lyrical and graphic. Hovering in the sensuous haze where flesh and dream become one, it wordlessly explores the shared inner life of two people whose devotion to one another expresses itself in forms that still challenge convention. Sexually frank and poetically immersive, this plunge into one couple’s erotic utopia pushes the boundaries of what has previously been shown in Irish cinema in a way that is both sensitive and provocative.


    Martes, Mayo 9, 2023 - 18:30


    Irish Film Institute - Dublin, Irlanda
  • Colección Privada: La Escena en Super 8 y 16mm en España

    En los últimos quince años, las ciudades españolas han visto florecer comunidades heterogéneas dedicadas a mantener la cultura del cine analógico. A través del intercambio de materiales, la influencia mutua, las proyecciones informales y la amistad, tres generaciones de cineastas se entremezclan en Madrid, Barcelona, Coruña y San Sebastián en un momento extraordinario para el cine poético español.


    De Sábado, Mayo 13, 2023 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 14, 2023 (Todo el día)
