Últimas noticias

  • Kodama - Environmental Short Film Open Call

    The Kodama Film Festival was conceived as a means of emulating a sense of earthly reverberation, by finding creative voices that would meaningfully reflect the wonder of the natural world onto contemporary society.

    The brief for submissions is as broad as nature is vast; to present short, feature films or photography that explore the physical and spiritual landscapes of the planet; to connect the rhymes and rhythms of the people with the land; and to generate a sense of communal reflection upon humanity’s often tumultuous relationship with its various habitats.

    Fecha límite: 

    Miércoles, Julio 6, 2022 (Todo el día)

    "Al insistir en dar forma a las imágenes sería necesario partir de la relación entre éstas y el tiempo. Sin éste no hay insistencia posible. La repetición y la búsqueda necesitan de un tiempo desde el que poder expandirse.
    [...] entonces, la vida de las imágenes, no consistiría tanto en la sencilla inmovilidad ni en la sucesiva recuperación del movimiento, sino en una pausa cargada de tensiones entre ambas."

    Comisariado por Biviana Chauchi , Nicole Remy y Sofía Tudela.


    Sábado, Abril 2, 2022 - 19:30


    Círculo de Bellas Artes - Madrid, España
  • MIA Journal Issue 4 - Launch Event

    Join us at 2pm BST on Saturday 2nd April for an online launch of MIA Journal Issue 4! For this event we will be joined by artists Loosii Ninjas, Edd Carr, Léna Lewis-King, Sapphire Goss and Lee Campbell who will present talks, films and performances.


    Sábado, Abril 2, 2022 - 14:00
  • Womanhouse Now: Films and Experimental Shorts

    In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Womanhouse, a site-specific installation and performance space, Anat Ebgi Gallery in partnership with LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) and LA Filmforum have organized an afternoon of films including Johanna Demetrakas 1974 documentary on the Womanhouse home alongside a set of experimental shorts from participating artists including Shawnee Wollenman, Judith Dancoff, Karen LeCocq, Judy Chicago, and Cheri Gaulke.


    Domingo, Abril 3, 2022 - 13:00


    2220 Arts + Archives - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos
  • Small Notes on Small Gestures

    A selection of Contemporary Super8 Films from Brazil curated by Tetsuya Maruyama. at MONO NO AWARE - NYC


    Jueves, Abril 7, 2022 - 19:00


    MONO NO AWARE - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Marina Grzinic & Aina Smid: 40 years of militant video art

    Philosopher Marina Gržinić and art historian Aina Šmid produced their first experimental videos in the early 1980s, driven by the punk and queer milieu of Ljubljana. Then, as now, their distinctive experimental language stood out as a potent tool for political and sexual dissidence. Standing up against the Yugoslav regime before its collapse, their militant work subsequently took up the critique of the "most bloodthirsty” forms of capitalism that, since the nineties, has washed over south-eastern European countries.


    Jueves, Abril 7, 2022 - 18:00


    ISELP - Bruxelles, Bélgica
