Últimas noticias

  • Slow Film Festival 2019

    The Slow Film Festival's experimental programme explores duration and landscape at the margins of society. Held in the village of Mayfield, the festival acts as a retreat from the city. There will be an exhibition of Scott Barley's work, a special screening of Babette Mangolte's 'The Sky on Location', a programme of shorts and a curated series of features. There will be slow food in abundance and a Walking Cinema Seminar.


    De Sábado, Octubre 19, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Octubre 20, 2019 (Todo el día)


    The Old Palace - Mayfield, Reino Unido
  • The Rhythm of Clay: Strata-cut animation workshop by Tomek Ducki & Gina Thorstensen

    This year Primanima World Festival of First Animations has opened a call for its 4th international workshop. The three-day workshop by Tomek Ducki  and Gina Thorstensen is centered around one of the most singular clay animation techniques, strata-cut. During this experimental animation workshop, the participants can learn the tricks of strata-cut and can combine it with other clay animation techniques. Under the guidance of two acclaimed animation directors and artists, the participants will create a joint music video.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Octubre 6, 2019 (Todo el día)
  • Ciclo experimental "Mirada Efímera": Panorama Internacional

    Continuando con el ciclo audiovisual experimental “Mirada Efímera” que programado por FelliniA Tierra de Cine se viene llevando a cabo en El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo BA de Mar del Plata,Argentina, se proyectará el jueves 26 de septiembre a partir de las 18 horas, con entrada libre y gratuita, el Panorama Internacional.


    Jueves, Septiembre 26, 2019 - De 18:00 hasta 19:15
  • DIM Cinema: Somniloquies

    For seven years in the 1960s, Dion McGregor, a gay American songwriter living in New York, was recorded by his roommate narrating his dreams in his sleep. Half a century later, these tapes, since made into cult albums, were brought to the attention of the filmmaking duo behind the 2012 documentary sensation Leviathan.


    Miércoles, Septiembre 25, 2019 - 19:30


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • Blitz #27: Economía/Ecología

    El chamán yanomami  David Kopenawa nos enseña en su libro La Caída del Cielo -escrito junto a Bruce Albers-, que el cielo ya se cayó una vez y que si no bailamos para los xapiri, el cielo volverá a caer. Su “manifiesto cosmopolítico” nos anuncia otro tipo de  complejidad para pensar una política con todos los seres, humanos y no humanos. Se trata de un programa de films que intenta pensar los (des)equilibrios en las relaciones entre economía y ecología a partir de las preguntas;


    De Domingo, Septiembre 22, 2019 - 19:00 hasta Lunes, Septiembre 23, 2019 - 18:55


    Zumzeig Cinema - Barcelona, España
  • Black Girl* Magic

    Artists Without A Cause is  bringing back the Black Girl* Magic Film Series and we’re looking for short film and video submissions by Black womxn* FTLI filmmakers for a screening during Black History Month in Berlin, Germany. Our third installment of the series is being presented in collaboration with White Guilt Clean Up and Frauenkreise Berlin, where it will take place.

    Fecha límite: 

    Miércoles, Enero 15, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • Love, Cruelty, and Self-Destruction

    Screening at Telematic, this coming Thursday, September 19th
    Co-presented by San Francisco Cinematheque

    Telematic is pleased to present Love, Cruelty, and Self-Destruction, a screening of video/performance works by Monet Clark, Cliff Hengst, Dale Hoyt, The Patchchords (w/ Fred Rinne), and Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle, presented – in collaboration with San Francisco Cinematheque – as part of our current, on-going exhibition Farm and Friends – in 3D!


    Jueves, Septiembre 19, 2019 - 19:30


    Telematic - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
