Últimas noticias

  • Xcèntric Cinema: Arthur y Corinne Cantrill. Touching the Earth

    Gran parte de las películas de los cineastas Arthur y Corinne Cantrill se centra en el estudio del paisaje, relacionando las formas fílmicas con las formas de los lugares. Además de traer al primer plano la rudeza y el rigor del paisaje australiano, las películas de esta sesión investigan la materialidad de la propia imagen y la percepción, planteándonos preguntas sobre la naturaleza del cine y su capacidad de crear otros mundos.


    Jueves, Febrero 21, 2019 - 19:30


  • Call for Entries: Open City Documentary Festival 2019

    Submissions for Open City Documentary Festival 2019 are now open. We're looking for the most exciting and innovative non-fiction storytelling in short, mid-length and feature length documentaries, short audio documentaries, as well as cross-media projects (VR/AR/XR+).

    Experimental and hybrid forms are extremely welcome. All we ask is that the artist labels the work non-fiction.

    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Abril 23, 2019 (Todo el día)
  • Slow Short Film Festival 2019

    The Slow Short Film Festival celebrates works that employ an aesthetic tendency grown conspicuous in the past three decades of world art cinema. The aesthetics of ‘slow cinema’ can be broadly characterised by a combination of long takes and long shots, with a focus on non-professional actors and an emphasis on everyday activities. If contemporary culture is governed by speed and distraction, these films open up time for stillness and contemplation.

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Agosto 2, 2019 (Todo el día)
  • WNDX Festival of Moving Image 2019 Call for Submissions

    WNDX seeks new Canadian and international films and videos for our next edition, to be held in October 2019. WNDX pays special attention to the most innovative and ground-breaking works created by moving image artists. In the past, WNDX has featured spotlights on Crispin Glover, Martha Colburn, Amy Lockhart, Richard Tuohy, Guy Maddin, Joyce Wieland, George Kuchar, Steve Reinke, Barbara Sternberg, Phil Hoffman, John Price and Michael Snow, a well as the work of the Loop Collective.

    Fecha límite: 

    Sábado, Junio 1, 2019 (Todo el día)
  • Laterale Film Festival in Rome

    Laterale is an international non competitive festival of cinematic art, completely self-financed, that takes place every year in June in Cosenza (Italy). The aim of the Festival is to enhance audio-visual innovative works and to be a place of meeting and discovery in which it is possible to show what usually is neglected or rejected because of the distance from the conventional way to do and to interpret the Cinema, by reserving particular attention will to young and independent filmmakers.


    De Lunes, Febrero 25, 2019 - 21:00 hasta Martes, Febrero 26, 2019 - 20:55


    Apollo Undici - Roma, Italia
