
  • Double Negative Collective: Parataxis

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    The Double Negative Collective presents a selection of recent experimental films and videos by Montreal filmmakers at Cinéma Parallèle.

    * Thursday 17 Dec. 2009, 21h30
    * Cinéma Parallèle [3536 Boul. St-Laurent, Montreal, QC]

    Parataxis is the juxtaposition of dissimilar images or fragments in language, creating new meaning with the odd pairing. In cinema, filmmakers usher in many surprising marriages of visual and sonic ideas with each depression of the splicer, as many curators articulate new meanings in a varied program of film and video work. With this program, the Double Negative Collective presents a selection of recent experimental films and videos by Montreal filmmakers at Cinéma Parallèle.

    - Perceptual Subjectivity | Philippe Léonard
    - Columns In The Sea | Nancy Baric & Nicolas Renaud
    - À L’Est Des Vents | Émilie Serri
    - Lacuna | Shannon Harris
    - Through Three Eyes | James Schidlowsky
    - 1 To 8 | Amy Schwartz
    - j. | Alexandre Larose & Solomon Nagler
    - Hydromorphone 8MG | François Miron
    - Over No Things | Yen-Chao Lin
    - Oparine | Stéphane Calce
    - Universe Of Broken Parts | Richard Kerr
    - Strips | Félix Dufour-Laperrière


  • eluparcettecrapule présente: Patrick Bokanowski

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    eluparcettecrapule présente :
    Courts métrages de Patrick Bokanowski
    en présence de Patrick et Michèle Bokanowski
    Jeudi 17 décembre à 20 h 30 au Studio - 3 rue Général Sarrail, Le Havre, France

    - La Plage (1991, coul, 14' 00)
    - La Femme Qui Se Poudre (1970-1972 , n&b , 18' 00)
    - Déjeuner Du Matin (1974, coul, 12')
    - Éclats D'orphée (2002, coul, 4'35)
    - Battements Solaires (2008, sonore, 18'40)

    entrée : 4 euros

    «Cet auteur acharné à travailler l’image “réelle” au moyen de techniques empruntées à la peinture et au cinéma d’animation est de taille à mettre sur pied un univers de démence et de cataclysme d’une beauté sans discussion...» Michel Perez

    en savoir plus : http://eluparcettecrapule.over-blog.com/


  • VideoSur II: Experimental Video from Latin America

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    VideoSur II: Experimental Video from Latin America
    Wednesday. December 9th, 2009, 20h
    MassArt Film Society
    FILM Dept. Screening RM 1
    621 Huntington Ave.
    Boston, MA

    The MassArt Film Society and Discordiafilms present VideoSur II, a selection of Latin America experimental video that includes documentation of performance and art actions, noise video and stop motion animation from Chile, Argentina and Mexico.

    Inspired by the spirit of exchange in the Americas, VideoSur II is the second of a series of video showings that convey the complex cultural vision of Latin American artists.

    Paulo Ahumada Rovai, Juvenal Barría, Ciudad Dormitorio, Claudia González, Homunculo, Antonia Lopez, Hector Llanquín, Manuel Orellana Sandoval, Javiera Ovalle Sazie, Constaza Piña, Agustina Rodríguez Suhurt, Ana Silva, Binvignat, Pia Sommer, Andrés Torregiani, Venado Negro, Paula Venegas

    Co-curated by Julio Lamilla, Liz Munsell and Anabel Vázquez.
    8pm Wed. December 9th, 2009 @ MassArt Film Society


  • Pleasure Dome: Tony Conrad & Marie Losier in Person

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    Pleasure Dome presents
    Tony Conrad & Marie Losier in Person
    Friday, December 11, 8pm $8/ 5 members
    Latvian House, 491 College St.
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Pleasure Dome is excited to present an evening with the wonderful Tony Conrad & Marie Losier. Conrad has been recognized since the 60s as one of the key figures of the American avant-garde, and working with the the most unlikely combination of collaborators including La Monte Young, Jack Smith, Beverly Grant and Mike Kelley, Conrad persists in being an influential and inventive musician, filmmaker, artist, and teacher. After a busy year with performances and exhibitions at the Tate Modern and the Venice Biennale, he will present his own selection of rarely-seen post-The Flicker films and videos, spanning a period of forty years.

    In conversation with him and visiting from NYC, special guest Marie Losier will be showing her film portrait Tony Conrad: DreaMinimalist – plus a collection of recent works.


  • Film (Parkour) at Yale University

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    Film (Parkour) at Yale University
    December 8, 2009; 7:00PM
    New Haven, CT
    Yale University (212 York)

    Film (Parkour) by Christopher May
    (2008-2009, 16mm & Super-8, sound & silent, 24fps & 18fps, Argentina, Austria, U.S.)

    “... folky but experimental tinge, paid off well - both images and sound, projector and instrument shared a rawness that matched perfectly and gave the personalities onscreen an added layer of meaning which at times was warm, funny, odd, contrasting, insightful...” -Sam Natch, Buenos Aires, argentina

    "We know that this is the first time in history that this type of Parkour material makes it into film; and this project does an incredible job at highlighting the deepest values that move our lives, leaving behind all superficiality." -Walter Bongard, founder PKA, Asociación Argentina de Le Parkour

    "Triumphant!...capturing traceurs' in their element, playing and human, rather than objects of advertisement ....a slight undercurrent of sensuous intimacy.. the lens found and lingered on the traceurs' genuine smiles, the tip of the ear or the playfulness in both movement and pause." - Michelle Duer, writer


  • South London Gallery: Susanne Bürner

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    Susanne Bürner
    10-18 December 2009
    South London Gallery
    65 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UH

    The South London Gallery presents the first London solo project by German artist Susanne Bürner. This new video work is shown as a special evening event (Thursday 10 December 2009, 7-9pm) accentuating its performative aspects following which it will be on show until 18 December 2009.

    LEAVES reveals an empty stage alluding to an anticipated action. using elements of cinematographic language such as long shot sequences and depth of field, the film portrays the sensation of prolonged suspense. LEAVES presents a meadow surrounded by trees as a pre-defined location of action in which nothing is performed. In this way the set becomes the negative image of the missing action.


  • Pleasure Dome: Daniel Cockburn

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    Pleasure Dome presents:
    You Are In A Maze Of Twisty Little Passages, All Different
    Daniel Cockburn In Person
    & Catalogue Launch
    Saturday, December 5, 8pm $8/ 5 members

    Latvian House, 491 College St.
    Toronto Ontario

    Fresh from a six-month DAAD residency in Berlin and a number of screenings in Europe and Asia, Daniel Cockburn returns to Toronto with a curated program of his films and videos and the Toronto launch of a new publication about his work. Cockburn plays at the intersection of avant-garde and narrative cinema. Bringing together innovative storytelling strategies with structuralist experimentation, he breaks open day-to-day reality to reveal the strange codes beneath. What if time ran backwards? What if everything in the world doubled in size? Self-reflexive to the point of neurosis, Cockburn is fascinated with how images and words can illuminate the structures and rhythms of our lives.


  • Summer Knowledge

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    Summer Knowledge
    Artists Space
    38 Greene Street, 3rd Floor
    New York
    December 4-19, 2009

    Curated by Thomas Beard and Ed Halter, Summer Knowledge is a series of one-person screenings presenting a multi-generational selection of artists working in the moving image. In keeping with the project of Beard and Halter¹s Brooklyn venue Light Industry, each event will allow time for dialog and discussion.

    William E. Jones
    Anne Charlotte Robertson
    Michael Robinson
    Paul Sharits
    Leslie Thornton
    Emily Wardill

    Summer Knowledge launches the first in a series of programs with Beard and Halter through December 2010.

