
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 6: Enraptured

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    by Iván Zulueta
    Arrebato 1980, 105 minutes, 35mm. In Spanish with English subtitles.

    The series closes with Iv?n Zulueta’s masterpiece, a cult film in Spanish cinema. Zulueta here utilizes many of the techniques he previously developed in such short films as A MAL GAM A, FRANK STEIN, and KINKÓN, bringing together many of his life-long obsessions. A hypnotic, mystical film, open to multiple interpretations, ARREBATO has been unfairly overlooked outside Spain.


    De Domingo, Febrero 21, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Lunes, Febrero 22, 2010 - 19:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • La dialéctica del Remake

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    La dialéctica del RemakeEn este remake, toma por toma, de la muy controvertida Deliverance, 1972, de John Boorman, Jennifer Montgomery convierte a todos los personajes del film en mujer. En esta versión Montgomery, Peggy Ahwesh, Jacqueline Goss, Sue Friedrich y otras autoras de cine arte toman los roles de Burt Reynolds, John Voigt y demás. A la vez que siguen el guión, las performers insertan su subjetividad y deseos.


    Domingo, Febrero 21, 2010 - 18:30
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 5: Investigations / Metacinema

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    Program 5 attempts to identify the essence of cinema – whether by explicitly reflecting on the nature of the medium through meta-cinematographic essays, or by reducing the film to a blank screen – and to explore the relationship between cinema and other art forms (from dance and performance to photography and poetry).


    De Domingo, Febrero 21, 2010 - 18:00 hasta Lunes, Febrero 22, 2010 - 17:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 4: Painting / Movement

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    by José Antonio Sistiaga
    …ere erera baleibu izik subua aruaren… 1968-70, 70 minutes, 35mm.

    “...ere erera baleibu izik subua aruaren...”, a set of words without any meaning, forms the title of the first and only feature film in the history of Spanish cinema made entirely by hand-painting directly on celluloid. Created over 17 months, without any figurative elements or soundtrack, the result is an astonishing masterpiece of abstract cinema.


    Sábado, Febrero 20, 2010 - 20:45


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 3: Animated Experiments: Rhythm, Light, And Color

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    The films in this fantastic program span very different periods in the history of Spanish cinema, but all represent experiments in animation. The techniques utilized are strikingly diverse, including cameraless cinema, stop-motion, collage, and sand-on-glass animation.


    De Sábado, Febrero 20, 2010 - 19:00 hasta Domingo, Febrero 21, 2010 - 18:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • TIE at ICA/Boston

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    TIE at ICA/Boston
    Saturday, February 20, 1:30 PM
    Tickets: $10 general admission; $8 members, students, and seniors.

    The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) presents a new edition of TIE, The International Experimental Cinema Exposition – a one-day screening of experimental films by innovative and renowned avant-gardists on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010 at 1:30 PM.


    Sábado, Febrero 20, 2010 - 13:30


    Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston - Boston, Estados Unidos
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 2: Appropriations / Grand Super-8

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    This program – which encompasses a selection of pieces shot in Super-8mm, as well as a group of found-footage films – establishes a dialogue between filmmakers from separate generations: those who formed part of the avant-garde film movement in Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia in the 1970s (led by Eugeni Bonet, Juan Bufill, Manuel Huerga, and Eug?nia Balcells) and those active from the late-90s on.


    De Viernes, Febrero 19, 2010 - 21:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 20, 2010 - 20:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • From Ecstasy to Rapture Program 1: Documents / Itineraries

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    The opening program includes work by José Val del Omar, visionary filmmaker and inventor; the architect Gabriel Blanco, best known as an animator but represented here with a documentary film portraying the daily chores of a Spanish citizen on a typical Sunday in the suburbs; multidisciplinary artists Benet Rossell and Antoni Miralda; José Luis Guerin, whose feature film, IN THE CITY OF SYLVIA, recently had a theatrical run here at Anthology; and Virginia García del Pino.


    De Viernes, Febrero 19, 2010 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 20, 2010 - 18:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Short Cuts V: Resilient Structures

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    Block B (Chris Chong Chan-Fui, 2008)Short Cuts V: Resilient Structures
    Thursday February 25, at 6pm
    Northwest Film Center
    Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park Avenue, 97205 Portland, OR, USA
    Co-Presented with the Northwest Film Center

    For the 2010 Portland International Film Festival Cinema Project brings a selection of contemporary film and video from Japan, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Focusing on natural and man-made structures and the spaces in-between, each of these works reveals a variety of dynamic relations from frame to space and from history to environment. Daichi Saito’s entirely hand-processed film Trees of Syntax, Leaves of Axis examines the natural language of a familiar Canadian landscape while Chris Chong Chan Fui’s modernist exchange on public and private space in Block B presents a surprisingly telling view of an apartment block in Kuala Lumpur. From Tomonari Nishikawa is Lumphini 2552, black-and-white images of plants and trees shot using a 35mm still camera at Bangkok’s Lumphini Park. The result is a surprisingly emotional construction of rhythm and movement. And from Shiho Kano's Shinonome Omogo Ishizuchi is a transcendental travelogue inspired by filmmaker Mansaku Itami. Finally, Taiwanese filmmaker Chen Chieh-Jen’s Empire's Borders I examines the process that Taiwanese citizens endure when applying for a United States visa.

