
  • Serpentine Cinema CINACT - Melvin Moti

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    The Prisoner's cinema (Melvin Moti, 2008)Serpentine Cinema CINACT - Melvin Moti
    Saturday 7 March, 1.45pm
    The Gate
    87 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3JZ
    Tickets £6/£5
    With a special screening of a new film by Amy Granat

    Serpentine Cinema: CINACT is a series of monthly artists’ film screenings and events at The Gate cinema in Notting Hill. CINACT takes its name from American artist Henry Flynt’s 2007 cinema manifesto. Each programme focuses on two artists who investigate and experiment with the medium of cinema. Amy Granat will premier two new films and we are delighted that Melvin Moti will be joining us to screen The Prisoner’s Cinema.

    The Prisoner’s Cinema (2008, 35mm), is named after the term used for visions of coloured lights and abstract patterns reportedly seen by prisoners or pilots after long stretches of visual deprivation. Moti’s protracted, mesmerizing film explores this phenomenon with the projection of subtly changing light filtered through a stained-glass window, while a scientist’s voice narrates the visions she experienced after many hours in a darkened room.

    Melvin Moti, born in Rotterdam in 1977, studied at the Academie Voor Beeldende Vorming in Tilburg from 1995 to 1999 and worked at De Ateliers in Amsterdam from 1999 to 2001, where he now teaches. In 2006 he received the Charlotte Köhler Prijs and the J.C. van Lanschot Prijs. His works have been shown at the Frac Champagne in Reims, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Kunstverein Köln and elsewhere. He recently participated in the 5th Berlin Biennale. He lives in Rotterdam.

    Tickets available from The Gate 0871 704 2058 or www.picturehouses.co.uk

    Please check with the cinema for information updates

    In association with sketch and Picturehouses


  • Benning, Kobayashi y Linzy

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    Tres videoartistas contemporáneos nos acercan a su universo lúdico de performances en torno al género. La obra franca y dura de Sadie Benning utiliza la cámara como espejo para acercarnos a un solitario mundo de identidad y deseo. Linzy actúa y dirige sus propios vídeo-performances, en los que utiliza los principios formales de la fotonovela para satirizar su entorno artístico-sexuado. A.S.M Kobayashi, joven canadiense de origen oriental, personifica una multiplicidad de identidades como crítica a discursos esencialistas de género, clase y etnia.


    Domingo, Febrero 28, 2010 - 18:30
  • vidéocollisions

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    Bienvenue! Va crever!vidéocollisions
    Friday 26th February 2010, 19h
    116 avenue René Coty, 76600 Le Havre, France
    In the presence of Yves-Marie Mahé


    De Viernes, Febrero 26, 2010 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 27, 2010 - 18:55


    Bistrot - Le Havre, Francia
  • Memory of Berlin

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    Memory of BerlinEsta sesión proyecta una “memoria de Berlín” partiendo del poético film con que Filipa César evoca el sueño comunista de la conquista del cosmos, hacia la memoria y el archivo de la Alemania del Este –en la lírica compilación que Narkevicius, en su nuevo film, hace de los filmes propagandísticos de la RDA- para llegar al registro documental y directo de la caída del muro en las piezas de Jonas Mekas y Chris Marker, y la autobiografía ensayística de John Bu


    De Jueves, Febrero 25, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Febrero 26, 2010 - 19:55
  • Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part IV

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    Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part IV
    February 23th 2009, 20h
    The Working Men’s Club, 44-46 Pollard Row, E2 6NB, London. Ticket: £5/£3 Close-Up members
    Doors open at 7.45 pm
    Presented by Close-Up and The Dog Movement


    Five American masters all explore dailiness, film as a stage for performance, and most importantly the possibilities of using music with equal importance to image in tonight’s screening.


    De Martes, Febrero 23, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Miércoles, Febrero 24, 2010 - 19:55
  • LUX presents: Messasges

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    LUX Presents - Messages: Guy Sherwin / Alan Wilkinson / John Edwards / Steve Noble
    Tuesday 23rd February 2010, 8pm
    Café Oto, Ashwin St, Dalston, E8 3DL, UK
    Tickets: £5

    A night of film and music to celebrate the publication of a new LUX book/DVD Guy Sherwin: Messages.


    De Martes, Febrero 23, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Miércoles, Febrero 24, 2010 - 19:55


    Cafe Oto - London, Reino Unido
