
  • PAF 2016: Film Labor

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    PAF - Festival of Film Animation's section Film Labor presents contemporary experimental productions and activities by filmmakers from so-called artist-run film labs (film laboratories run by the artists themselves). There are more than fifty such groups all over the world dealing with film, in the sense of working with film material. Thanks to the technological and institutional transformation of cinematographic infrastructure, independent artists may now use industrial equipment and instruments that were previously only available in institutions. The aim of the cycle is to reflect their activities, which significantly change the options for film production and are often referred to as “experimental film.” Film Labor will introduce artists from film labs in Grenoble, Barcelona and Berlin.


    De Jueves, Diciembre 1, 2016 - 17:00 hasta Lunes, Diciembre 5, 2016 - 19:55
  • Xcèntric: Construcciones espirituales

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    Un programa de proyecciones en paralelo a la exposición “La máquina de pensar. Ramon Llull y el «ars combinatoria»

    Antes de que los artistas trabajasen con ordenadores, una serie de pintores de vanguardia, como Oskar Fischinger, Harry Smith y Jordan Belson, crearon un cine no narrativo que tenía en cuenta la geometría, las posibilidades de combinaciones matemáticas y también la espiritualidad. Tras estos visionarios, otros artistas como John Whitney abrazaron el nuevo medio de la imagen sintética para seguir indagando en la animación abstracta. Muchos otros autores y autoras han seguido su estela hasta nuestros días.


    Domingo, Diciembre 4, 2016 - 18:30


  • OFFoff Cinema: Televizinho, a live video-essay by Veridiana Zurita

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    Televizinho is an ongoing project of re-enactments of soap operas in different contexts in Brazil. Its first edition took place in 2014 when Veridiana Zurita worked together with the riverside community 'Santa Isabel' in the Amazon. During 4 months she lived together with different families along the Tupana river, eating what they ate , sleeping as they did, watching what they watched: soap operas. Every night they looked at the soap together and picked out a scene to re-enact the next day. While using the participants' houses as movie set, the re-enactments took the form of something between fiction and documentary. The way soaps seem to order language and physicality was disturbed by those re-enacting it while different logics of appropriation were inaugurated.


    De Lunes, Diciembre 5, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Diciembre 6, 2016 - 19:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Xcèntric: Derivas geométricas

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    Un programa de proyecciones en paralelo a la exposición “La máquina de pensar. Ramon Llull y el «ars combinatoria»

    Antes de que los artistas trabajasen con ordenadores, una serie de pintores de vanguardia, como Oskar Fischinger, Harry Smith y Jordan Belson, crearon un cine no narrativo que tenía en cuenta la geometría, las posibilidades de combinaciones matemáticas y también la espiritualidad. Tras estos visionarios, otros artistas como John Whitney abrazaron el nuevo medio de la imagen sintética para seguir indagando en la animación abstracta. Muchos otros autores y autoras han seguido su estela hasta nuestros días.


    De Jueves, Diciembre 1, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Diciembre 2, 2016 - 19:55


  • Through a Different Lens: Film Work by Joanna Margaret Paul

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    "All my films poems paintings play more or less between inner and outer events." – Joanna Margaret Paul

    Filmmaker and curator Peter Todd presents a programme of 12 films screened for the first time to an international audience by New Zealand poet, painter, and filmmaker Joanna Margaret Paul. Often shot and edited in camera, her films chronicle motherhood and domestic life, the worn traces of urban settlement and the persistent presence of the natural world. Todd’s accompanying essay places Joanna Margaret Paul work in the lineage of filmmakers Margaret Tait and Robert Bresson, and painter Frances Hodgkins.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 2, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Bozar Cinema: Hierarchy of particles

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    Hierarchy of Particles is a program of films and videos that explore particles and fragments of image and sound through a variety of formats – from image-processing of video signals, to high-contrast and hand-processed or manipulated celluloid film stock, and re-purposing film footage and warbled audio fragments.

    Curated by Mia Ferm (Cinema Project, Portland)


    De Lunes, Noviembre 28, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Noviembre 29, 2016 - 19:55


  • Movement Material: Camera/Dance Works by Jeremy Moss & Pamela Vail

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    The Nightingale welcomes Jeremy Moss and Pamela Vail to present a 60-minute program of video, 16mm projection, and live performance that highlights transfigurative gestures via the collision of camera and dance. This program explores the roles and functions of both the cinematographer (Jeremy Moss) and the dancer (Pamela Vail) while engaging questions of space, movement, and the ways in which the frame and the cut create alternate walls and rhythms.


    De Miércoles, Diciembre 7, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Diciembre 8, 2016 - 18:55


    The Nightingale - Chicago, Estados Unidos
  • Cineinfinito #7: John Price (35mm)

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    John Price ha producido películas experimentales, danza y diarios filmados desde 1986. Su amor por la fotografía analógica le ha llevado al mundo de la alquimia y la experimentación, desde donde desarrolla gran cantidad emulsiones fotoquímicas y formatos de imagen. Dedicado a esta tarea de revelar la realidad por y con otros medios, su cine presta gran atención a las texturas que él, a posteriori comunica con una serie de textos y cuadros.


    Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2016 - 16:30


    Filmoteca de Cantabria - Santander, España
  • Ann Deborah Levy and Chris Lynn: Travelers with Cameras

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    Ann Deborah Levy and Chris Lynn are both film/video makers who travel with their cameras.  They shoot films and videos close to their respective homes in New York and Maryland or farther afield in Europe or China.  These works are not typical travel films that feature only famous tourist destinations, but instead capture what is often not shown: bits of daily life; poetics of light and weather changing the landscape or cityscape; and historic structures, whether still active as places of worship or now simply monuments to past events, as tourists interact with them and as sounds of the modern life of their surrounding urban settings intrude. 


    Viernes, Diciembre 2, 2016 - 19:30


    Port Washington Public Library - Port Washington, Estados Unidos
  • Club des Femmes: Her Image Fades as Her Voice Rises

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    Join us for a dynamic and timely re-staging of Circles’ inaugural film programme ‘Her Image Fades as her Voice Rises’ (1982), with films selected by Lis Rhodes and Felicity Sparrow. A selection of four films by four filmmakers made across time and different generations of women filmmakers placed in dialogue with each other.

    Circles, founded in 1979, was the first feminist film and video distribution organisation in the UK that emerged out of a heightened moment in the 1970s narrative of London’s feminist film history, politics and collective activism in which the Women’s Liberation Movement played an influential part. Cirlces provided an essential role in the promotion and distribution of exclusively women filmmakers, supporting filmmaking that varied from political and social documentary to more experimental practice.


    Martes, Noviembre 29, 2016 - 18:30


    The Photographers’ Gallery - London, Reino Unido
