Últimas noticias

  • IC DOCS 2017 Call for Entries

    Iowa City International Documentary Festival (IC DOCS)
    April 20-22, 2017

    Entering our 14th year in 2017, the Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival (IC DOCS) is an annual event committed to engaging local audiences by exhibiting a broad range of contemporary short films (under 30 minutes) that explore the boundaries of documentary and non-fiction filmmaking.


    Martes, Enero 31, 2017 (Todo el día)
    Martes, Febrero 28, 2017 (Todo el día)
  • Bozar Cinema: Norio Imai - Film and Video Works

    Norio Imai: Film and Video Works
    Time Severed, Jointed and Stretched

    As the closing event of the exhibition A Feverish Era in Japanese Art. Expressionism in the 1950's and 1960's, this screening / talk focuses on a pioneering voice that led the next generation of Japanese contemporary art. As Gutai’s youngest member, Norio Imai’s white relief sculptures might be familiar, but his works involving film, slides and video have received very little attention. 


    De Domingo, Enero 22, 2017 - 18:00 hasta Lunes, Enero 23, 2017 - 17:55


  • VISIONS | 19.01.17 | Melanie Shatzky + Brian M. Cassidy : The Patron Saints

    VISIONS, in collaboration with la lumière collective, presents: Melanie Shatzky + Brian M. Cassidy [Filmmakers present]

    The Patron Saints (2011, HD, 71 min, English)

    Bold and unremitting in its depiction of the elderly, The Patron Saints eschews our hyper-individualistic culture obsessed with youth. Taking a head-on approach, husband-and-wife duo Brian M. Cassidy and Melanie Shatzky peer with fly-on-the-wall access into the beige, featureless corridors of a nursing home, presenting an uneasy yet impactful 'portrait of fading bodies and minds.' Forgoing conventional documentary modes for a poetic treatment of the aging, the residents here, shot over the course of five years, are captured with a disconcerting deadpan realism—candid depictions not unlike Larry Clark’s bruising sexually active teenagers in Kids (1995).


    De Jueves, Enero 19, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 20, 2017 - 19:55


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
  • 2nd Taiwan International Cat Film Festival - Tapetum Lucidum 2017

    The 2nd Taiwan International Cat Film Festival – Tapetum Lucidum 2017, curated by LIU Yung-Hao and LEE Ming-Yu, is the first cat film festival in Taiwan, and also the first cat film festival in Asia, which looks at cinema through cats. Cats are mysterious, elegant, friendly, and smart. Cats fascinate artists.


    De Jueves, Enero 19, 2017 - 13:00 hasta Domingo, Enero 22, 2017 - 18:55


    The Cube Project Space - Taipei, Taiwán
  • Visual Sunday - The Screening Room goes Cavia

    As part of The Screening Room, three experimental filmmakers will show their work this afternoon in Cavia. Angus Carter, Ronald Blazkowicz and Luca Dazi will present 12 short cutting edge experimental/video art films.

    Angus Carter (USA) / Ronald Blazkowicz (NL) / Luca Dazi (IT), digital

    The Screening Room is an art channel on Salto TV, Saturdays from 9 till 10 pm.


    De Domingo, Enero 29, 2017 - 15:00 hasta Lunes, Enero 30, 2017 - 14:55


    Filmhuis Cavia - Amsterdam, Holanda
  • MuMaBoX #52: Cinematographic Mechanics

    Mechanics are at the heart of the cinematographic system, and also a motif dear to experimental filmmakers.

    - Kipho (Guido Seeber, 1925, 6’)
    - Footprints (Bill Morrison, 1992, 6’)
    - La Marche des machines (Eugène Deslaw, 1928, 9’)
    - Oil Wells: Sturgeon road & 97th street (Christina Battle, 2002, 3’)
    - Windmill 2 (Chris Welsby, 1972, 8’)
    - Rode molen (Esther Urlus, 2013, 5’)
    - Couleurs mécaniques (Rose Lowder, 1979, 16’)


    De Miércoles, Enero 18, 2017 - 18:00 hasta Jueves, Enero 19, 2017 - 17:55


  • A Light Shines Through

    At Untitled, San Francisco, curators Ashley Carr and Suzanne Modica present a video program called A Light Shines Through, featuring video work by artists including Andrea Bowers, Barbara Hammer, William E. Jones, Korpys/Löffler, Lars Laumann, Maggie Lee, Goshka Macuga, Melvin Moti, Mario Pfeifer, Martha Rosler, Tobias Spichtig, Hank Willis Thomas, Carrie Mae Weems, Judi Werthein.

    The last few years have seen worldwide upheaval, with conflicts over politics, economics, religion, race, sexual identity and social issues roiling our communities. In moments like this, when our environment feels tenuous, or even threatening, it is more important than ever that artists create work that responds to these conditions. With this in mind, we are presenting a diverse selection of videos primarily from the last decade that touch upon immigration, global and local economies, the war on terror, and personal loss, among other themes. 


    De Jueves, Enero 12, 2017 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Enero 15, 2017 (Todo el día)


    Untitled San Francisco - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
