Últimas noticias

  • FICUNAM 12 presenta su sección UMBRALES

    En su décima segunda edición y por vez primera, el FICUNAM presenta UMBRALES, una muestra dedicada a las expresiones más libres y radicales de la vanguardia cinematográfica. 58 películas internacionales y mexicanas, de artistas y cineastas reconocidos y emergentes, permiten homenajes y revisiones donde hitos y clásicos del género conviven con lo contemporáneo en permanente interlocución.

  • Handmade films from Grenoble’s MTK film lab: Katherine Bauer, Loïc Verdillon, Joyce Lainé

    Microscope is very pleased to present a rare evening of 16mm films by Katherine Bauer, Loïc Verdillon, and Joyce Lainé made at the Atelier MTK film lab in Grenoble, France, as well as a collective film by artists from MTK, L’Abominable (Paris, France), and Labo Brussels (Brussels, Belgium). The screening concludes with two live collaborative performance works for dual 16mm projection by Bauer and Verdillon, who are visiting from France.


    Jueves, Febrero 24, 2022 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • All that Remains: Archeology and the Image

    Inscribed about artifacts are traces of human activity: gestures, gazes, textures, abrasions. These are the material and figurative qualities which produce historical potentiality. Functioning like spolia, remnant structural fragments used to erect new stone walls, they act as analytical units through which narrative is assembled, eroded and re-constructed.


    Viernes, Febrero 25, 2022 - 20:00


    Synesthesia - New York , Estados Unidos
  • MIA Masterclass with Ceri Hand

    Join us on Mon 7th March at 6:30pm GMT for the MIA Masterclass with Ceri Hand, founder of Artist Mentor, who will be speaking about the fundamentals of pricing and selling moving image work.

    Ceri will discuss the factors to consider when pricing and editioning moving image, how to manage relationships with collectors, and comparative prices for bench-marking. This will be a candid and informative presentation with an opportunity to ask any questions.


    Lunes, Marzo 7, 2022 - 18:30
  • Dominic Angerame: Stilled Frames

    Vesuvio presents

    Stilled Frames

    Photographic stills taken from 16mm films by experimental filmmaker Dominic Angerame.

    March 1st-31st

    Reception March 9th, 19 to 21h


    De Martes, Marzo 1, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Marzo 31, 2022 (Todo el día)


    Vesuvio Cafe - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • Experiments in Flicker & Love

    CCJ is pleased to co-present with Lightbox Film Center three screening programs under the Japanese Experimental Animation project, curated by Go Hirasawa (2/19), Julian Ross (2/25), and Fusako Matsu (2/11). The final screening curated by Julian Ross features graphic designer Keiichi Tanaami, whose collection has been a focus of our research since 2018. The screening will include new digitizations of Tanaami’s She (1971) and Look at the Wood (1975), as well as Human Events (Ningen Moyō, 1975), which CCJ preserved in 2018. In the screening program, Ross places Tanaami’s works in conversation with contemporary works.


    Viernes, Febrero 25, 2022 - 19:00


    Lightbox Film Center - Philadelphia, Estados Unidos
