Últimas noticias

  • Convocatoria 16° Concurso Internacional Juan Downey

    El Concurso Internacional Juan Downey es realizado desde 1993 por la Corporación Chilena de Video y Artes Electrónicas (CChV) como homenaje al arquitecto y artista chileno Juan Downey (1940-1993), quien fue pionero en el videoarte, el videoensayo, el cine expandido y las instalaciones interactivas. Con 29 años de trayectoria, este certamen constituye una importante instancia para el videoarte de la escena local e internacional, que da cuenta de manera crítica de los cambios en formatos, lenguajes y tecnologías en el campo.

    Fecha límite: 

    Jueves, Junio 30, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • Anthony McCall: Light Describing a Cone

    Microscope is very pleased to present Anthony McCall’s groundbreaking piece “Light Describing a Cone” (1973) as part of its series of imageless film performances and other works in connection and collaboration with the current series “Imageless Films” at Anthology Film Archives.


    Viernes, Junio 3, 2022 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • attaque(e)r le visible - corporal interventions: Margaret Raspé

    Taking a cup in your hand, emptying it, holding it under water scrubbing, rinsing, putting it on the draining board, over and over again – all actions that usually happen unconsciously and automatically. Who has ever actually dedicated time to thinking about the task of washing up? Margaret Raspé is fascinated by day-to-day tasks, and devotes most of her films to them. The special aspect about her work is the camera perspective, which is provided by her “camera helmet”. Positioned on her head, the camera follows her movements and, in doing so, records the act of washing up.



    Miércoles, Junio 8, 2022 - 19:30


  • Celluloid Now! A Showcase of Analog Film

    The Chicago Film Society is proud to announce Celluloid Now: four days of screenings, workshops, and other events showcasing the work of analog filmmakers and artists alongside archival rediscoveries and restorations.  

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Julio 22, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • Dana Duff: Short Films and Digital Works

    Dana Berman Duff has long been a vital force in Los Angeles’ media arts. Astonishing in her versatility, Duff moves fluidly between Super-8mm and 16mm film, video, multi-channel installation, photography, drawing and sculpture. Regardless of the medium, Duff’s work is infused with her subtle wit, tactile delight and deeply reflective conceptual structure. Tonight’s program includes selections from the Catalogue Series, in which fantasy tableaux and objects from the pages of a designer furniture knock-off catalogue are reworked into contemplations on the control and selling of desire. Duff’s art is in collections of The Museum of Modern Art and New Museum of Contemporary Art, and her films have shown in the Toronto, Rotterdam, Edinburgh and other international film festivals.


    Lunes, Junio 6, 2022 - 20:30


    REDCAT - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos
  • Designed Reminiscence Vol.3

    Designed Reminiscence Vol.3 is the third iteration of a larger screening series dedicated to sharing personal moving-image art (experimental non-fiction work) that explores concepts of home.This particular program seeks projects (no longer than 20 minutes) that  respond to historical and contemporary geopolitical events and circumstances.We’re interested in works that utilize experimental methodologies as a means to explore this complex intersection of realities.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Junio 12, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • MA/IN Festival

    MA/IN is an international festival devoted to experimental film and video, aiming at investigate the relationship between image and sound.
    The mission of MA/IN is to provide local and regional audiences with an opportunity to view a wide variety of contemporary experimental works, focused on artistic excellence, different styles, forms, and nationalities.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Junio 5, 2022 (Todo el día)
