Últimas noticias

  • VISIONS: Charlie Shackleton 19.05.2022

    VISIONS, in collaboration with Main Film, presents THE AFTERLIGHT by Charlie Shackleton, a film that itself exists as a single 35mm film print. Further eroding every time it screens, the film is a living document of its life in circulation. Eventually it will disappear entirely.

    On the 19th of May at 7pm at la lumière collective


    Jueves, Mayo 19, 2022 - 19:00


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
  • kino-okno - encuentro en torno a la práctica experimental y expandida de los medios fílmicos

    Gabinete kino-okno presenta un evento de fin de semana (13 a 15 de mayo) en torno a las prácticas experimental y espacial de los medios fílmicos, en Camping Puebla, ubicado en las laderas de la Sierra Norte (provincia de Sevilla), con una serie de proyecciones de películas (programas por Paula Guerrero y Bruno Delgado Ramo), instalaciones, intervenciones en vivo y un laboratorio colectivo.

    Viernes 13 de mayo, 20:00
    Reenactment de una acción de Giovanni Martedi


    De Viernes, Mayo 13, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 15, 2022 (Todo el día)


    Camping Puebla - Puebla de los Infantes, España
  • 黑影展 - Black, a Film Festival

    2022.05.20 - 05.22 @ C-LAB - Taiwan Sound Lab                  

    Due to their opposing characteristics, light and dark have been employed throughout the history of filmmaking to create shadow and visual effects. However, the visual characteristics of “black” often make us “blind” to it. From a re-exploration of the development of filmmaking techniques, there is ubiquitous use of black in film production and screening, from the effects of metallic silver grains to the evolution of formal film language and the arrangement of screening spaces. 


    De Viernes, Mayo 20, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 22, 2022 (Todo el día)


  • Bcubico digital book launch

     The boo launching event, scheduled to happen from 3pm BRT on, proposes a sharing of the Bcubico experiment and the process of making the material — the QR code of the event’s poster links the e-book .


    Sábado, Mayo 14, 2022 - 15:00
  • Kabayitos Microcinema Experimental Short Film Program

    IOM projects is excited to present Kabayitos Microcinema as part of The Clemente’s Open Studios 2022, taking place on May 21 & May 22, 2022.

    We are accepting experimental short film submissions with a maximum running time of 10 minutes. Our selection will be based on artistic expression and poetic form. Entries should be thought-provoking, unconventional, and original.

    Fecha límite: 

    Jueves, Mayo 12, 2022 (Todo el día)
