Últimas noticias

  • Carte blanche to Pierre Villemin at FIAV of Casablanca

    The 25th International Video Art Festival of Casablanca invites Pierre Villemin for a carte blanche.  He will be presenting three experimental documentaries, his main interest in his practice: 


    De Viernes, Abril 26, 2019 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Abril 27, 2019 - 18:55


    Art Gallery Marsam - Casablanca, Marruecos
  • 21st VIDEOEX International Experimental Film & Video Festival

    Videoex, the largest Experimental Film & Video Festival in Switzerland, is celebrating its 21st edition this year. Over 9 days, Videoex will present more than 150 works on the threshold between visual art and film.

    Videoex – International Experimental Film & Video Festival Zurich 
    25 May – 2 June 2019
    21st Edition

    International & Swiss Competition

    Guest programme Brazil: Hélio Oiticica, Glauber Rocha, Vivian Ostrovsky, Videobrasil, Tropicalismo


    De Sábado, Mayo 25, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Junio 2, 2019 (Todo el día)


    Videoex Filmfestival - Zürich, Suiza
  • If AI Were Cephalopod

    Telematic is pleased to present If AI were Cephalopod, a new multi-channel video installation by the collaborative artist 0rphan Drift (Ranu Mukherjee and Maggie Roberts), which explores fictional relationships between human, animals and synthetic entities, in order to imagine possible future embodiments and forms of consciousness. Drawing upon Embodied Cognitive Science and Radical Anthropology, the artists ask what paradigm of “intelligence” we presuppose in the development of Artificial Intelligence, implicitly challenging commonplace assumptions about what it means to be human as distinct from other forms of life. Is it not perhaps better to imagine the intelligence of machines in light of, what we now recognize as, the remarkably sophisticated cognition of other creatures?


    De Sábado, Mayo 4, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Junio 9, 2019 (Todo el día)


    Telematic - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • 8 Super 8. De lo Doméstico a lo Infinito

    El super 8, el formato de cine familiar por excelencia, ha servido también como herramienta para cineastas que han creado un lenguaje y una poesía específica a este medio. Por su tamaño, intimidad y economía, el super 8 ha desarrollado un tipo de cine personal único en su delicadeza y ambiciones.


    De Viernes, Abril 26, 2019 - 21:00 hasta Sábado, Abril 27, 2019 - 20:55


    Cineteca Madrid - Madrid, España
  • Walden presents: Fred Worden

    This program brings together a selection of early to mid-career 16mm works by American filmmaker Fred Worden. Occupied with optical cinematic investigations and the machinic constituents of cinema, Worden's work has been described as being developed "out of his interest in intermittent projection as the source of cinema’s primordial powers. How a stream of still pictures passing through a projector at a speed meant to overwhelm the eyes might be harnessed to purposes other than representation or naturalism."


    Martes, Abril 30, 2019 - 18:30


    Filmhuset, Gärdet - Stockholm, Suecia
  • Jornada Ecosocial de Cine Documental Creativo & Antropología Audiovisual

    Dentro de la jornada trasubiremos en el estudio de la creación fílmica enfocándonos en la realización del cine documental como una fuente antropológica para la Preservación Cultural y el Activismo Social. 

    La intersubjetividad de la cámara como ente alargo del ser, el CINE TRANSE. Y la naturaleza de acción del/la cineasta que crea desde el contexto político, social e individual que le compone. 

    ¿Cómo podemos utilizar el cine documental en pleno cambio climático?


    De Sábado, Mayo 4, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 5, 2019 (Todo el día)


    Casa Batsú - San José, Costa Rica
  • Soanyway, online magazine

    Soanyway online magazine is inviting video submissions for Issue 3, by 30 April 2019. The magazine crosses the boundaries of visual, sonic and web-based art, video, poetry, music, literature and art writing, using any combination of words, images and sounds. Our focus is on work that tells a story, interpreting the idea of narrative broadly, considering it in relation to fact and fiction, narration or implication, and structure or a lack of it. We also regard most history, theory and critique as the telling of stories about stories.

    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Abril 30, 2019 (Todo el día)
