Últimas noticias

  • Nazli Dinçel. Sesión Experimental

    Nazli Dinçel reflexiona en su trabajo sobre experiencias de rutpuras. Ella filma el cuerpo en contexto con excitación, inmigración, dislocación y deseo con el material fílmico: su textura, color y el cuerpo de la emulsión que funciona como tracto. El uso del texto en sus imágenes, lenguaje y sonido evoca al fallo de la memoria y a su propio desplazamiento dentro de una sociedad occidental.


    De Sábado, Abril 27, 2019 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Abril 28, 2019 - 19:55


    Cineteca Madrid - Madrid, España
  • Underground: 16mm films by Emmanuel Lefrant

    Microscope Gallery is happy to welcome Paris-based filmmaker Emmanuel Lefrant to the gallery for a special screening of his works on film. The program Underground — which is also the title of Lefrant’s first film and an indication of where most of his filmmaking takes place, literally or figuratively — features eight short films spanning fifteen years, nearly the artist’s complete filmography.


    Viernes, Abril 26, 2019 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • What Remains To Be Seen: An Interview with Phil Solomon

    As a small homage to the recently departed Phil Solomon, we post this interview conducted by Federico Rossin in 2007 in the context of FilmMaker Festival (Milan).[fn] Programme of November 25th, 2007, 16:30h - Section Fuori Formato, Cineteca Italiana in Milan: Murder Psalm by Stan Brakhage (USA, 1981, 17’) 16mm; Clepsydra by Phil Solomon (USA, 1992,14’) 16mm; Remains to Be Seen by Phil Solomon (USA, 1989, 17’) 16mm; The Snowman by Phil Solomon (USA,1995, 9’) 16mm; Twilight Psalm III (


  • Xcèntric Cinema: Jonas Mekas. Mantén un diario y el diario te mantendrá

    Celebramos la obra de Jonas Mekas con uno de sus grandes films-diario, rodado entre 1969 y 1984: retratos de su comunidad de amigos artistas y cineastas (Rossellini, Anger, Warhol, Frampton, Lennon…), de «lugares, estaciones del año, climas (tormentas, nieve, ventiscas), calles y parques de Nueva York, breves escapadas a la naturaleza, nada espectacular, celebraciones poco importantes de la vida que se ha ido, hasta ahora, y se mantienen solo como un registro en estos breves y personales bocetos» (Mekas).



    Jueves, Abril 25, 2019 - 19:30


  • VIVA JONAS! - Homage to Jonas Mekas

    This humble homage to Jonas Mekas will take place at Modern Art Museum Cinemateque's - Rio de Janeiro (26.04) and at Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) - São Paulo (05.05), as  part of LABAS - Lithuanian Culture Festival held at Ema Klabin Foundation in partnership with Lithuanian Consulate in São Paulo and the Lithuanian-Brazilian community.


    Viernes, Abril 26, 2019 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Mayo 4, 2019 (Todo el día)


    Cinemateca do MAM - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Freeze-Frame, a Vanitas of Light

    'Freeze-Frame, a Vanitas of Light' investigates in what form film can exist without the physical presence of film. The starting point is the local history of Wetteren, where in the 1960s were four cinemas; Cinema Roxy, Cinema Nova, Cinema Max and Cinema Forum. The socialists, liberals and Catholics, each had their own cinema and one was there for the 'naughty' films.


    De Domingo, Abril 21, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 26, 2019 (Todo el día)


    Loods12 - Wetteren, Bélgica
