Últimas noticias

  • Avant-Noir (Volume 1)

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    The program Avant-Noir surveys contemporary work by African and African Diaspora film and video artists, along with work that explores African cultures from other perspectives. Avant-Noir offers unique visions of the black experience while celebrating the presence of artists who are often excluded from elite institutions and the dominant discourses on experimental film and video.


    De Martes, Marzo 7, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Miércoles, Marzo 8, 2017 - 19:55


    Kino Tuškanac - Zagreb, Croacia
  • What's Your Flavor? 2017 Call for entries

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    Each year, What's Your Flavor? seeks out experimental films dealing with LGBTIQ issues in order to showcase them by including them in bold programs of works built on sharp political and aesthetic proposals.


    Fecha límite: 

    Sábado, Abril 15, 2017 (Todo el día)
  • Austrian Film Museum: Hollis Frampton

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    After Bruce Bailie, the Film Museum pays respect to another key figure of the New American Cinema revolution – this time one from the East rather than the West Coast: Hollis Frampton (1936-1984). After his formative "year of apprenticeship" spent with poet Ezra Pound (1957/1958), Ohio-born Frampton moved to New York in order to establish himself as a painter. He moved from photography to 16mm film and was soon celebrated as a visionary of Structural Film.


    De Lunes, Abril 3, 2017 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Abril 6, 2017 (Todo el día)


    Austrian Film Museum - Vienna, Austria
  • Atrabilious - Amsterdam Experimental Film Fest 2017

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    For the third time in a row the Amsterdam Experimental Film Fest Atrabilious will take place in Filmhuis Cavia, Amsterdam. Atrabilious has in a short time managed to establish itself as a vanguard of new as well as established experimental filmmakers: a showcase of experimental film-video art of over 20 international artists. Over a period of two days more than 40 short films will be shown, including unique, never shown before material specially curated for Atrabilious.


    De Sábado, Marzo 25, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Lunes, Marzo 27, 2017 - 17:55


    Filmhuis Cavia - Amsterdam, Países Bajos
  • Ecran-test: WAV 2 + Antoine Ledroit & Thomas Chatard

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    Ecran-test (Screen-Test) is an open space, of meeting and exchange, around artistic projects. It takes place at the initiative of members of Mire who wish to expose a project in progress to the gaze and and the discussion. It is open to all.

    This time, WAV2 (aka AV2 / Clinch & Pierre Pierre Pierre) + Antoine Ledroit & Thomas Chatard who invite us to:


    Jueves, Marzo 9, 2017 - 18:30


    Mire - Nantes, Francia
  • Xcèntric: Nuevos Narcisos después de Cocteau. Las fiestas lisérgicas de José Rodríguez Soltero

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    Aunque eclipsado por cineastas como Andy Warhol, Jack Smith o Kenneth Anger, José Rodríguez Soltero es uno de los principales exponentes de la división latina, queer y psicodélica (acid-head) del cine underground neoyorquino de mediados de los sesenta.


    Domingo, Marzo 5, 2017 - 18:30

