Últimas noticias

  • Walter Ruttman, Symphony of a Great City

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    Ciné concert

    Produced in 1927, Berlin: Symphony of a Big City is considered one of the most iconic urban symphonies of late-1920s European avant-garde cinema. Reflecting the thinking of Futurism, Walter Ruttmann painted the portrait of the German city during one day, from dawn to dusk. The era of industrialisation was at its peak; urban modernism had become a fashion. The "city symphony" became a fully-fledged film genre, whose characters were the railway, the dance of the trams, the magic of electricity and the roar of automobiles. From this rapidly-developing city arose a resounding combination of new sounds, now given a new dimension by musicians Simon Fisher Turner, Klara Lewis and Rainier Lericolais through a contemporary sound and musical creation.


    De Sábado, Enero 14, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Enero 15, 2017 - 19:55


    Centre Pompidou - Paris, Francia
  • Xcèntric: Espacios para la creación. Manon de Boer

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    En sus películas, Manon de Boer explora la forma en que se activa la memoria y cómo hacerla visible a través del proceso artístico. Sus retratos son narrativas introspectivas donde la banda de imagen y de sonido son superficies sensibles en que se traza el placer de filmar al otro, y la música y la palabra se contemplan como experiencias sensoriales. Esta sesión muestra su obra a través de cuatro de sus films más relevantes, incluyendo la presentación del último.


    Domingo, Enero 15, 2017 - 18:30


  • Film Panic Issue 3

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    Film Panic Issue 3 is now available! This issue contains in-depth interviews with five exciting and unique contemporary filmmakers who are exploring the possibilities of the art of cinema!

    From the editorial: "In this issue of FILM PANIC we interview five contemporary filmmakers, each of whom is creating work that is totally independent both creatively and financially. Each one of them is forging their own path and playing their own part in expanding the possibilities of the art of cinema and, in their own way, continuing the journey that began many years ago with the pioneers of the medium."


  • Winnipeg Underground Film Festival 2017

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    The Winnipeg Underground Film Festival is an annual showcase for contemporary experimental film + video, presented by Open City Cinema in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The next festival will take place June 2 - 4, 2017.

    WUFF is seeking new and engaging moving-image works that deviate from traditional cinematic forms (whatever that means). Stronger consideration will be given to works under 20 minutes, and to those completed in 2015 or later, but exceptions may be made in both cases. If you think your movie is suited for our show, we'd like to see it; if you aren't sure, please check out our previous years' programs.


    Viernes, Marzo 31, 2017 (Todo el día)
  • Bozar Cinema: Funérailles. De l’Art de Mourir - Boris Lehman

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    “Having reached an age at which you think about getting your bags ready for the next world, I’m about to burn my life, to throw away all I’ve collected and accumulated for over half a century. Books, clothes, films, everything must, will disappear, in ashes and smoke. Funeral (on the art of dying) presents itself as the ‘last’ episode of my auto-cine-biographic work Babel, which covers over thirty years of my life. Funeral will bring this narration of life to its end. It can be considered as my last movie, as a will.” (Boris Lehman)


    De Sábado, Enero 14, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Enero 15, 2017 - 19:55


  • Saul Levine: Radical Correspondent

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    Saul Levine is one of the leading figures in the autobiographical tradition within underground cinema. His films are often marked by a direct confrontation with the fragile material of 8mm, and the resulting works bear the marks of his construction, splices appearing like indentions in concrete.


    De Viernes, Enero 27, 2017 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Enero 28, 2017 - 18:55


    Polish Combatants Hall - Toronto, Canadá
  • Troubling the Image: Color My World

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    The five-program series "Troubling the Image: New + Restored Experimental Cinema" features an eclectic and wide-ranging group of works that celebrate the vibrancy of experimental and almost-experimental cinema from near and far, now and then.

    Focused on art, design, and photography, with the use of color as a unifying element, this program includes a striking selection of abstract and representational works. Joseph Cornell’s celebrated found-footage film Rose Hobart (1936) serves as a center around which circulates David Rimmer’s eye-popping Variations on a Cellophane Wrapper (1970), T. Marie’s gorgeous minimalist video series Panchromes I, II, III (2014), Janie Geiser’s photo-collaged Flowers of the Sky (2016), William E. Jones’ appropriated images of labor and workers on foreign currency in Model Workers (2014), and Amit Dutta’s riff on the work of 18th century Indian miniature painter Nainsukh. Onscreen pre-show is Barry Doupé’s Lite-Brite-like video loop Dots (2016).


    De Viernes, Enero 13, 2017 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Enero 14, 2017 - 18:55


    Logan Center for the Arts - Chicago, Estados Unidos
