Últimas noticias

  • IN SITU - Matthew Wolkow and Jean-Jacques Martinod

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    IN SITU is a series that focuses on unique audiovisual works by local artists passionate about cinematic material, moving images and social dynamics.

    [Musical performance by Philippe Battikha]

    Dialogue du Tigre
    Matthew Wolkow | 2017 | Super 8 to Super 16 digitized | colour and b&w  | 18 mins


    Jueves, Diciembre 2, 2021 - 19:00


    la lumière collective - Montréal, Canadá
  • Mientras tanto CINE 2022

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    Mientras tanto CINE, espacio para la formación, creación y difusión de cine experimental con base en Montevideo, Uruguay abre convocatoria para películas experimentales en digital y/o fílmico para participar de la próxima temporada de Mientras tanto CINE. Recibiremos propuestas a partir del 15 de noviembre de 2021 hasta el 15 de enero de 2022. Nos interesa un cine que se resista a las convenciones establecidas, un cine donde cineastas crean formas propias de narración, representación y realización, un cine donde cada película explora, profundiza

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Enero 15, 2021 (Todo el día)
  • Yuko Asano - 4 experimental short animations

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    KRAUT FILM has started the online screening of Japanese independent animator Yuko Asano.


    • Ryusui-kaen / 柳水華苑|1985, 16mm, color, 4:00 min
    • The paper house / 紙の家|1986, 16mm, color, 2:10 min
    • The garden of five fingers / 五つの指の庭|1988, 16mm, color, 5:10 min
    • The life of ants / 蟻の生活|1994, 16mm, color, 14:09 min



    De Lunes, Noviembre 15, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Miércoles, Diciembre 15, 2021 (Todo el día)
  • Atelier 105: Post-production residency

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    In October 2014, Light Cone introduced artist residencies dedicated to the video-based post-production of films that fall within the realm of experimental cinema, with the aim of supporting approximately 10 projects per year.

    Fecha límite: 

    Lunes, Diciembre 13, 2021 (Todo el día)
  • Cosmic Rays 2022 - Call for Entries

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    Cosmic Rays is an annual celebration of non-commercial short films that extend the idea of film as art. Cosmic Rays screens work that:

    Fecha límite: 

    Sábado, Enero 1, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • Underground Movies, program 3: Journeys Within

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    Screening Sunday, 11/21/21 at 4 PM PST, Los Angeles Filmforum presents the third of three programs of "Underground movies," curated by Jenny Perlin and Leo Goldsmith.  “Underground Movies” charts a unique aesthetic terrain through which to explore larger questions of humanity's material and psychological relation to the planet’s substructure—as a space to be reshaped and exploited, but also as one in which to imagine ourselves anew. 


    Domingo, Noviembre 21, 2021 - 16:00
  • VISIONS: Ben Russell

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    Ben Russell (1976) is an American artist, filmmaker and curator whose work lies at the intersection of ethnography and psychedelia. His films and installations are in direct conversation with the history of the documentary image, providing a time-based inquiry into trance phenomena. Russell was an exhibiting artist at documenta 14 (2017) and his work has been presented at the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Museum of Modern Art, the Tate Modern, the Museum of Modern Art Chicago, the Venice Film Festival and the Berlinale, among others.


    De Miércoles, Noviembre 17, 2021 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Noviembre 18, 2021 (Todo el día)
