
  • Xcèntric: Transeúntes de veredas, bosques y sueños

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    La experimentación de Malena Szlam, mediada por un proceso de documentación in situ, traslada el paisaje observado al espacio de la imagen en movimiento. El montaje directo en la cámara emancipa en tiempo presente la primera visión de bosques, astros, fuego y paisajes nocturnos, y los reproduce vibrantes, de tal modo que no alcanzamos a acostumbrarnos a ellos y permanecen. Partiendo del vínculo directo con la imagen, Pablo Mazzolo construye paradigmas formales, donde la imagen cinética y el sonido constituyen una misma unidad perceptiva. Sus films transitan los bordes entre lo real, el sueño y la visión intuitiva, confluyendo en una experiencia asociativa y sensorial diferente en cada uno. ENVÍOS, de Jeannette Muñoz, es un cine que deja de ser cine para convertirse en un espacio que nos muestra lo que fue, lo que es y lo que podría ser. ENVÍOS es sólo posible desde lo pequeño y lo singular. Son secuencias, eventos, historias, fragmentos, momentos, segundos. No posee objeto o sujeto, sus componentes son heterogéneos, de diferentes proveniencias y motivaciones. Habita simultáneamente lo íntimo y lo público, ha sido realizado con y/o para una persona y será presentado en una sala de cine.


    Domingo, Mayo 10, 2015 - 18:30


  • HANDMADE: A 16mm film screening

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    BEEF's series of monthly screenings and events kicks off with a theme close to our heart.

    An evening of 16mm films showing a range of handmade and cameraless approaches, including direct on film animation, rayography, hand-tinting, bodily interventions, pinhole photography and home-brewed film emulsion.


    De Viernes, Abril 24, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Abril 25, 2015 - 18:55


  • Avant-garde cinema from Yugoslavia, 1950s-1980s

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    A critically important realm of avant-garde cinema has been largely neglected in North America over the years: the wave of films that emerged in the countries of ex-Yugoslavia. While a handful of filmmakers have penetrated the consciousness of scholars and cineastes – Dušan Makavejev above all, though Karpo Godina and Želimir Žilnik have begun to make ripples as well – these artists are merely the tip of the iceberg, representing an experimental film movement of extraordinary richness, inventiveness, and uncompromising political engagement.


    Miércoles, Abril 22, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Jueves, Abril 23, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Viernes, Abril 24, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Abril 26, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Jueves, Mayo 7, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Mayo 9, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Mayo 10, 2015 (Todo el día)


    Cinémathèque québécoise - Montréal, Canadá
  • Nikki Walkerden: HOLE

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    Nikki Walkerden: HOLE
    16mm film installation. Opening Tuesday 14 April 6-8PM

    In HOLE, MFA candidate Nikki Walkerden will use the Graduate School Gallery to ‘enact’ parts of her thesis, using it as a screenplay that can be rehearsed, performed, filmed and edited in the gallery space.


    De Martes, Abril 14, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Mayo 2, 2015 (Todo el día)
  • Horrorism for Beginners, Beginners for Horrorism

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    In this one-night program, Berlin-based OJOBOCA (Anja Dornieden and Juan David González Monroy) will present a selection of 16mm films and projector performances that demonstrates the collective’s practice of Horrorism, “a simulated method of inner and outer transformation.” OJOBOCA’s films and performances are as rich in visual and sensory texture as they are in drawing upon and inspiring an imaginative and creative spirit. Taking place 3000 years in the future and featuring a cast of jungle-dwelling gnomes, La Gente Perra is a film based on fragments of a story by the Colombian writer, Gomati D. Wahn. The collective’s penchant for representing phantasmagoric stories and images continues with Wolkenschatten, a narrated slideshow composed of remnant images that eerily document the mysterious disappearance of an entire German town in the 1980s. The program concludes with two projection performances and will be followed by a conversation with the artists.


    Viernes, Abril 17, 2015 - 19:30


    Cinema Project - Portland, Estados Unidos
  • Visions: Ben Russell - Psychedelic Ethnography

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    VISIONS in collaboration with la Cinémathèque québécoise and RIDM presents a Ben Russell double bill for the month of April:

    19.04.15 | The Garden of Earthly Delights Trilogy
    73mins | 2013-2015 | S16mm on HD
    7pm | la Cinémathèque québécoise, Montréal | Salle Claude-Jutra | Filmmaker present.

    22.04.15 | Let Each One Go Where He May
    135mins | 2009 | 16mm print
    9pm | la Cinémathèque québécoise, Montréal | Salle Claude-Jutra | Filmmaker present.


    Domingo, Abril 19, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Miércoles, Abril 22, 2015 (Todo el día)


    Cinémathèque québécoise - Montréal, Canadá
  • The Dream that Kicks: Film Doubled Forever Changes

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    Projectors invade the auditorium to reveal seven amazing double screen works – three seminal classics and four from the British new analogue wave. Interaction, juxtaposition, synchronization and repetition drive these films. The action here is not just happening on the filmstrips – it also belongs in the moment of projecting.


    De Domingo, Abril 19, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Lunes, Abril 20, 2015 - 19:55


  • Cinema Anèmic #04: Klara Ravat

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    presenta... "Experimentos perceptivos"

    Proyección de una selección de experimentos fílmicos en celuloide que investigan lo visual y lo olfativo a través de procedimientos insólitos. Secuencias impresas en adhesivos –debidamente colocados sobre película transparente– crean un cine impresionista, de trasfondo feminista. En la performance Petrichor la tierra, las hojas, las plantas y las flores conforman un paisaje armonioso de vegetación aromática cuyo olor refresca e inspira.


    Viernes, Abril 17, 2015 - 20:30


    Espai ST3 - Barcelona, España
  • Chris Lynn: Framing Sounds

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    A sonic journey through Super 8mm and digital landscapes with Washington D.C. based filmmaker and composer Chris Lynn

    Chris H. Lynn is a moving image maker, sound artist, educator, and curator. His digital images and Super 8 films capture the subtle rhythms of movement, light, and sound in urban and rural landscapes. (many of these landscapes include China, where he has filmed extensively since 2008). His work has been screened and exhibited in a variety of venues around the globe and has recently been featured in the book Cinema and the AudioVisual Imagination published by I.B Tauris. 


    De Sábado, Abril 18, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Domingo, Abril 19, 2015 - 19:55


    Visual Studies Workshop - Rochester, Estados Unidos
  • A sheep without a shepherd: The Films of Victor Faccinto

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    Traditional 2-D cut-out animation shot on 16mm film presented on HDV and 16mm film. Victor Faccinto in person.

    This special program will present a selection of Victor Faccinto’s film works made between 1972-2010. The influence of underground comics in the 60’s and the television in the 50’s, help to shape his innocent yet horrifying stories. His delicate animation skills make his unforgettable characters adorable, comic and vicious. Faccinto is not afraid of connecting his reality, imagination, and our reality together to remind us of the rawness in the countless desires of humans. He remains playful, using his own character ‘Video Vic’ to say, “You see? It’s all just simple.”


    De Domingo, Abril 19, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Lunes, Abril 20, 2015 - 18:55


    Spectacle Theater - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
