Open Call - Videobardo International Videopoetry Festival 24 Years

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Promedio: 2 (1 voto)

VideoBardo, founded in 1996, call artists to participate in the International Videopoetry Festival - VideoBardo 24 YEARS which will be realizated throughout 2020 in different cities and venues around the world and at a CENTRAL WEEK in Buenos Aires, Argentina; on dates to be defined.

We understand as Videopoetry to those audiovisual works in that the poetic verbal language (word, letter, speech, writing, sign) has a leading role or a special transforming treatment. Therefore the three fields: Image in movement, Sound, and Verbal language are in a dialogue to create a fourth reality that is the Videopoetic Work. Then the verbal language in video poetry is experienced in its meanings by visual, sound, corporal and physical dimensions.

More Info : 

Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Agosto 30, 2020 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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