Festival Obskura 2022

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Promedio: 4 (3 votos)

The OBSKURA Festival is an event that questions contemporary practices related to film, on an international scale.
Developed by LABO K, a collective of artists, filmmakers and photographers who work with celluloid film, this second edition will take place over three days with screenings, workshops, performances, masterclasses and exhibitions. An invitation to watch together films that manage to clear unexpected territories of the cinema. Encounters with filmmakers who work on the emergence of forms, films generally made in an artisanal way, which bring out other ways of thinking and making cinema.

The call for entries is open to all kinds of film, on celluloid. Accepted film formats are 35mm, 16mm, Super 8 or found footage.

Celluloid and digital projection formats are accepted. Films submitted must be no longer than 45 minutes and must be made since 2019. The Obskura Festival is non-competitive and without registration fees. The selection will be presented in public on 30 june, 1,2 July 2022 in Rennes, France.

The call for entries will close on March 30, 2022. The result of the selection will be communicated from May 31, 2022.

Submit your films on our website https://obskura.fr/

Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Marzo 30, 2022 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Jueves, Junio 30, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Julio 2, 2022 (Todo el día)

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Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Marzo 30, 2022 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Jueves, Junio 30, 2022 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Julio 2, 2022 (Todo el día)