Noticias generales

  • Marcel Mazé (1940-2012)

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    Mazé and Jonas Mekas at Hyères, 1974 Una de las míticas figuras del 'cine diferente' europeo, Marcel Mazé (1940-2012) falleció la pasada madrugada. Marcé fue el fundador y posteriormente presidente del Collectif Jeune Cinéma, la primera cooperativa de cineastas de Francia, creada en 1971, hace ya más de 40 años, siguiendo el modelo de la Film-Makers’ Cooperative de Jonas Mekas. Crítico de cine, cineasta ocasional (su corto más conocido es Focalises de 1980), actor en muchos filmes de Stéphane Marti, Mazé creó además el Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris. Para apreciar mejor su pasión por el 'cine diferente', nada mejor que leer la entrevista que le hizo Viviane Vagh para Senses of Cinema con ocasión del cuadragésimo aniversario del CJC.

  • Experimental Conversations issue 8 - Winter 2011

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  • workshops January-February 2012

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    Direct Super 8: A workshop with Ian is delighted to announce a brand new series of workshops for January and February 2012.

    (1). Colorado: Tinting and toning motion picture film
    Saturday 21st January 2012, 10:30 – 6pm. members £80 / £120 non-members.

    Artist filmmaker Kevin Rice will take you through a hands-on exploration of the history, theories, motivations, and concepts behind tinting and toning 16mm motion picture film. The workshop is easily accessible and no previous knowledge of film techniques or technology is required. For more information and a full description please see:

    (2). My life as a silver halide: Pushing, Pulling & Intensifying Black & White Film
    Saturday 28th January, 10:30 - 6:00pm. Price: £80 members, £120 non-members.

    This workshop with Kevin explores the extremities of what is possible in black and white motion picture photography, in order to understand the exact nature of working with the silver halide. Topics that will be covered include: increasing film speed, pushing and pulling film, controlling density & contrast through various chemical and non-chemical processes, and how to effectively execute such procedures before, during and after development. For more information and a full description please see:


  • Millennium Film Journal 55 “Structures and spaces: Cine-installation”

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    Millennium Film JournalMillennium Film Journal 55 “Structures and spaces: Cine-installation”

    Millennium Film Journal issue No. 55 “Structures and spaces: Cine-installation” to be published next March 2012

    The focus of the issue is moving image installation: covering film, video and digital formats. The issue will be generously illustrated. Given the widespread interest in installation among artists, curators, gallerists, collectors, as well as the general public, we expect that the issue will enjoy wide national and international distribution through 2012, and that it will be regarded as a primary source for many years into the future.

    For at least 40 years, artists have been interested in using the moving image in installations. Multi-projector film installations by artists such as Paul Sharits and Michael Snow, as well as video installations by Gary Hill, Bill Viola, Nam June Paik and many others have been exhibited in museums and galleries since the early 1970s, and even before. But it has exploded in the last ten years, to such an extent that the multi-screen installation seems to be the dominating form at major art fairs, biennials, galleries and museums.

    MFJ 55 will examine, analyze, and celebrate the phenomenon of the moving image installation. It includes writings on:
    • the aesthetics of installation art by theorists Laura Marks and Kim Knowles;
    • video artist and musician Steina by Gerald O’Grady;
    • ‘Photographic Memory’ by Martin Rumsby discussing contemporary filmmakers Gregg Biermann, Steven Woloshen, Richard Tuohy and Ben Russell;
    • the history and significance of ‘the loop’ by Ron Green;
    • plus Scott MacDonald’s extensive interview with verteran filmmaker Alfred Guzzetti, and reviews of current exhibitions of works by Paul Sharits, Harun Farocki, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, and others.

    The issue also includes personal memoirs of recently deceased filmmakers whose work had a major influence on several generations of artists: Jordan Belson by Gene Youngblood, Robert Breer by George Griffin, Owen Land by Daryl Chin, and George Kuchar by Marie Losier.

    MFJ welcomes advertising from galleries, museums, exhibitions, publishers, educational institutions, film labs, video studios, production services, and others, and offer a discounted rate for individual artists. Advertising insertion order deadline for the upcoming issue MFJ 55 is Jan 20, 2012.


  • Mono no aware filmmaking workshops

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    Mono no awareMono no aware filmmaking workshops
    Winter & Early Spring workshops 2012

    Mono no aware is very excited to announce our new line up of filmmaking workshops! Registration is now open!

    - Intro to 16mm filmmaking
    - Super 8mm filmmaking
    - Introduction to hand-processing black & white reversal film
    - Advanced 16mm filmmaking workshop color reversal
    - Experimenting with alternative processing techniques
    - 16mm direct filmmaking workshop
    - Introduction to hand-processing color negative film

    Please read workshop policies before registering. if the workshop you are interested is full contact us to pre-register for the next session. also we will be offering stop-motion animation, camera obscura filmmaking and more in the Spring, contact us if you have interest in pre-registering.

    Note that our workshops are limited to 10 persons or less providing an intimate hands-on learning experience. All materials, film and equipment related to the class are inclusive. The workshops take place at CPR (361 Manhattan Ave, Unit 1, Brooklyn, New York) ONLY 3 short blocks from Lorimer L/G or Graham L subway stops. OR at Negativland Darkroom (1717 Troutman St, Suite #244 Brooklyn, New York) ONLY 2 short blocks from the Jefferson L subway stop. Maps below.

    These workshops would not be possible without the partnership of Kodak, Dijifi, Pac-Lab and our host space The Center For Performance Research


  • 13th Paris Festival Of Different And Experimental Cinemas Awards

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    13th Paris Festival Of Different And Experimental CinemasThese are the awards for the 13th edition of the Festival of Different and Experimental Cinemas:


    Grand Jury
    Grand Prix of different cinema: Because we are visual by Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes
    Grand Prix of experimental cinema: Disquiet by SJ. Ramir
    Special mention to Schip by Tanatchai Bandasak
    Special mention to 360° by Nadine Poulain

    Press Jury
    Press Grand Prix: Panexlab by Olivier Séror and Post-industrie by Arnaud Gerber (ex aequo)
    Special mention to Because we are visual by Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes


  • Concurso aniversario de Lowave

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    El aniversario del sello francés Lowave se acerca, y para comenzar a celebrarlo, Lowave ofrece 5 copias de su magnífico DVD Our stars & The little god, del seminal artista francés Maurice Lemaître, a los primeros en responder a una sencilla pregunta en el muro de Facebook de Experimental Cinema. Sigue leyendo para ver una muestra de lo que puedes ganar...

  • Kickstarter campign: INCITE! #3

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    Incite 3: New agesThe third issue of INCITE! Journal of Experimental Media, titled "New Ages" aims at addressing the generational shifts and divides in today’s experimental film, video, and new media spheres, utilizing the 2010 International Experimental Media Congress as an opportunity for reflection. In addition to compiling a dossier of idiosyncratic reflections on the Congress, this issue also focuses on the renewed fascination with "New Age" spirituality, philosophy and aesthetics among contemporary media artists. Some highlights of this issue include Walter Forsberg's wide-ranging essay about the computer animation (and accidental 3D) pioneer Lillian Schwartz, Thomas Beard's astute analysis of Shana Moulton's "Whispering Pines" video serial, a Jacob Ciocci and Jesse McLean "G-Chat," Jaimz Asmundson on his new film, "The Magus", Marisa Olson on Transcendentalism, and Brian L. Frye's citation study of "The New York Times", which measures the relative importance of avant-garde filmmakers.

    To cover publication costs, INCITE! has launched a Kickstarter campaign. You can help release this great publication with a small donation and even get past issues of INCITE!, experimental film DVDs or a silkscreened print of George Kuchar's portrait by Leslie Supnet in return.

    Contributors to this issue include: Dominic Angerame, Jaimz Asmundson, Jeremy Bailey, Christina Battle, Thomas Beard, Roger Beebe, Michael Betancourt, Mireille Bourgeois, Jacob Ciocci and Jesse McLean, Clint Enns, Walter Forsberg, Brian L. Frye, Benj Gerdes, Brett Kashmere, Eliza Koch, Kevin McGarry, James Missen, Shana Moulton, Peter Nowogrodzki, Marisa Olson, Andrew James Paterson, Ken Paul Rosenthal, Ekrem Serdar, Leslie Supnet, Tess Takahashi. Cover design by Jacob Ciocci.


  • Carta del director del Festival Punto de Vista

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    Support Punto de Vista FestivalPara aquellos de vosotros que aún no conozcáis este gran festival, Punto de Vista es posiblemente el mejor festival de cine de España. dedicado al 'cine documental', mantiene una mirada crítica, apoyando los enfoques arriesgados y no narrativos, y con un fuerte énfasis en el cine experimental. La semana pasada le fue comunicado a Josetxo Cerdán, su director artísitico, que devido a fuertes recortes de presupuesto (a pesar del cacareado 'compromiso con la cultura' del partido governante), el festival dejaría de existir...

    El Festival Punto de Vista Festival ha proyectado la obra deRaymond Depardon, Jean Vigo, David Perlov, Jay Rosenblatt, Alan Berliner, J. P. Sniadecki, James Benning, Naomi Uman, Lynne Sachs, Ben Rivers, Ross McElwee, Satô Makoto, Jem Cohen, Barbara Hammer, Ben Russell, entre muchos otros...

    Por favor, ocupa sólo un par de minutos de tu tiempo para mostrar tu apoyo a Punto de Vista firmando la petición online aquí:

  • Owen Land (1944-2011)

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    Owen LandSad announcement sent out by Office Baroque Gallery.

    Dear Friends,

    It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of American filmmaker and artist Owen Land. Owen Land was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1944 under the name George Landow and was found dead in his apartment in Los Angeles on 8 June, 2011.

    Land debuted as an experimental filmmaker in the 1960's with a critique of structural film. When Land was barely twenty years old, he produced some early masterpieces like Film in Which There Appear Edge Lettering, Sprocket Holes, Dirt Particles, Etc. (1965-66), which contains exactly what the title promises. A Kodak test film used to adjust colour balance serves as the basic material. Land recomposes it and extends it into a four-minute loop, the result, in which P. Adams Sitney saw “the essence of minimal cinema”, no less – “a found object extended to a simple structure”.

