Noticias generales

  • Cinema Project Needs You!

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    Cinema Project seeks new office and screening space

    Recently, the lease on Cinema Project's donated office and screening space was abruptly canceled. We initially need a replacement office immediately with a minimum of 200 square feet to house our organizational records and work station for administrative staff.

    A shared or dedicated screening space is also on our wish list. Our spring season begins in late February and we need to find a space that can hold at least 50 audience members with storage for projection and sound equipment. As in the past, we are seeking property owners or lessees generous enough to donate screening and/or office space or steeply discount our lease rate.

    Please contact Autumn at [email protected] to suggest any potential leads.


  • Transfera TV Videoart #37: Gao Shiqiang II

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    El próximo viernes 13 de noviembre a las 21:00 y el sábado 14 a la 09:00, Transfera TV emitirá desde Madrid  un programa especial de Arte Audiovisual de una hora de duración :

    Monografías:  Gao Shiqiang II

    - Rojo (China, 2008) 50' 06"

    Podéis acceder a toda la información en la web de Transfera.

    Próximamente os comenzaremos a informar sobre la Muestra de Videoarte MADATAC, que tendrá lugar en Madrid entre el 10 y el 12 de diciembre.

    Esperamos veros por allí.

    Todo lo mejor.


  • LUX Associate Artists 2009/10 Announced

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    LUX Associate Artists 2009/10 Announced

    4 November, 2009

    LUX is pleased to announce the selection of the eight LUX associate artists for its 2009/10 programme. The artists are Paul Abbott, Mark Barker, Erik Blinderman, Lucy Clout, Kim Coleman, Jenny Hogarth, Maria Taniguchi and Cara Tolmie.

    The LUX Associate Artists Programme (AAP) is a unique 12 month post-academic programme for artists working with the moving image. It aims to provide an intensive course of development focused on critical discourse, extending to the practical and infrastructural issues that present challenges for artists working with the medium through seminars, mentorship and a final funded public project. See for more details.

    The programme is lead by Ian White, writer, artist and adjunct film curator of Whitechapel and is generously funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

    The programme is managed and facilitated by LUX, an arts agency which explores ideas around artists' moving image practice through exhibition, distribution, publishing, education and research.

    This is the third year of the LUX AAP. The second year’s associates (Luke Fowler, Laura Gannon, Duncan Marquiss, Laure Prouvost, Grace Schwindt, Samuel Stevens, Stina Wirfelt and Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa) have just completed the programme and are working towards a final project which will be launched in Spring 2010.

    Speakers and mentors on the programme so far have included John Akomfrah, Robert Beavers, Gregg Bordowitz, JJ Charlesworth, Adam Chodzko, Stuart Comer, Adam Curtis, Stephan Dillemuth, Kodwo Eshun, Ryan Gander, Neil Gray, Graham Gussin, Chrissie Iles, Mary Kelly, Mark Leckey, Francis McKee, Daria Martin, Simon Martin, Jan Mot, Laura Mulvey, Rosalind Nashashibi, Uriel Orlow, Maureen Paley, Pawel Pawlikowski, Gail Pickering, Josephine Pryde, Steve Reinke, Polly Staple and Hito Steyerl, Catherine Sullivan, Stephen Sutcliffe and David Toop.


  • Transfera TV Videoart #36: Gao Shiqiang

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    El próximo viernes 6 de noviembre a las 21:00 y el sábado 7 a la 09:00,
    Transfera TV emitirá desde Madrid el siguiente nuevo programa de Arte Audiovisual:

    Monografías: Gao Shiqiang

    - Teatro De Cámara 3: La Matriz (2005) 12' 20"
    - Entre (2004)  9' 48"

    Podéis acceder a toda la información en la web de Transfera.

    Como siempre, os deseamos todo lo mejor!


  • Female Fragrance

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    Female Fragrance
    London Slade School of Fine Art
    Friday 9 October 2009, from 11am to 4pm

    A seminar looking at the history of Swedish Experimental Film and Video Art. Arranged in conjunction with two evenings celebrating Swedish female video art hosted by the Swedish ambassador Mr. Staffan Carlson.


  • Premios del 25 FPS Festival 2009

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    Premios de la edicion 2009 del 25 FPS Film Festival:

    Still in cosmos (Makino Takashi, 2008)

    Jurado Erwin van ‘t Hart (Holanda):
    Gran premio: Still in cosmos (Makino Takashi, Japón, 18'00'', HDCam)
    Mención especial: Domenica 6 Aprile, ore 11:42 (Flatform, Italia, 6'12'', Digibeta)

    Jurado Ana-Marija Koljanin (Hungría):
    Gran premio: 1859 (Fred Worden, EEUU, 11'00'', Digibeta)
    Mención especial: Trypps #6 (Malobi) (Ben Russell, EEUU/Surinam, 12'00'', 16mm)

    Jurado Milena Gierke (Alemania):
    Gran premio: Gregor Alexis (Jana Debus, Alemania, 20'00'', Beta SP)
    Mención especial: Retouches (Georges Schwizgebel, Suiza, 05'35'', 35mm)

    Critics Jury Award: contre-jour (Christoph Girardet & Matthias Müller, Alemania, 10'40'', 35mm)
    Mención especial: Westcoast (Ulu Braun, Alemania, 7'20'', HDCam)

    Fuji Award: Trees of Syntax, Leaves of Axis (Daichi Saito, Canadá, 10'00'', 35mm)

    Premio del Público: Reise zum Wald (Jörn Staeger, Alemania, 7'03'', 35mm)

  • EXiS 2009 awards

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    These are the winner films in the korean EXiS film festival competition:

    Best EXiS Award
    - Battements Solaires
    by Patrrick Bokanowski

    EXiS Award
    - Coagulate by Mihai Grecu

    Korean EXiS Award
    - From Dust to Dust:The Chronicles of Women in Naegok-ri, Kyungsang Province by Cho, Hye-Jeong

    Fuji Film Award
    - The Garden of Earthy Delights by Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof
    - Lost World
    by Gyula Nemes

    Avid Award
    - Written on the body by M.J. One
    - Running Sushi
    by Mara Mattuschka & Chris Haring

    JungWoon Award
    - The Parallel Situation by Seungae
    - Self-Portrait by Kim, Eun-Jung


  • Del éxtasis al arrebato

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    Impresiones en la alta atmósfera (José Antonio Sistiaga, 1989)Del Éxtasis Al Arrebato. 50 años del otro cine español es el nombre de la muestra ititnerante, coproducción del CCCB y SEACEX. que presentará una antología del cine experimetnal español desde finales de los años 50 hasta la actualidad. La retrospectiva se divide en seis programas temáticos, en total 43 filmes que se proyectarán en 35mm y Betacam, todos ellos en copias nuevas y/o restaruradas. La lista de autores que recoge la muestra es impresionante: representantes de los inicios en los años 50 (José Val del Omar, Joaquim Puigvert y Eugenio Granell), los 70 (Carles Santos, Javier Aguirre, Eugeni Bonet, José Antonio Sistiaga e Iván Zulueta) y las generaciones más jóvenes de finales de los 90 en adelante (David Domingo, Oriol Sánchez o Laida Lertxundi). La retrospectiva tiene ya ocho localizaciones confirmadas: ACMI, Melbourne (Oct.2009), Anthology Film Archives-Nueva York (Mar.2010), National Gallery-Washington (Ene.-Feb.2010), Bass Museum of Art of Miami (Ene.-Feb.2010), Image Forum Experimental Film Festival-Tokyo (Abr.2010), MNCARS-Madrid (Mayo 2010), CCCB-Barcelona (Mayo 2010) y TATE-Londres (Mar.-Abr.2011); y otras veinte en preparación para los próximos tres años.

    La retrospectiva irá acompañada de la edición de un catálogo en 2 DVDs con 31 de los filmes de la muestra, y un libreto de 160 páginas, que será publicado por Cameo el próximo 7 de Octubre.
