Noticias generales

  • Into the Mothlight Episode 7

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    Episode 7 of Scottish based experimental film podcast 'Into the Mothlight' is live now on SoundCloud and iTunes. This time a conversation with Lux Scotland Director Nicole Yip on her journey into the moving image, her approach as a curator, the work of Lux in Scotland and their aim to nurture and support artists working in the moving image in Scotland.


  • Into the Mothlight: New Experimental Film Podcast from Scotland

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    Into the Mothlight is a new a podcast dedicated to artists’ moving image, experimental film and festivals and installation art. We talk to artists, programmers and curators, film festival producers and anyone else we meet whose work we enjoy or who we think you’ll find interesting. We will be asking people about what inspires them, how they approach their work, the highs and lows, how as artists we deal with criticism and self-doubt, and anything else that comes up. 


  • WUFF 6 Needs Your Help!

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    The Winnipeg Underground Film Festival is heading into our 6th year and we need your help!

    WUFF is an annual not-for-profit showcase for contemporary experimental film and video work from Winnipeg and around the world. Beyond our goal of bringing some of the best cinema to Winnipeg, the WUFF team is committed to making sure that all artists featured at our show are paid for their work, and to maintaining a platform that is accessible for everyone to enter. For the last several years, WUFF has received funding from the Manitoba Arts Council to help us make this happen. Unfortunately, WUFF did not receive this funding going into 2018, so we're looking to our community for some support!



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    CATALOG is a new project that uses social media to share experimental films freely available through the filmmakers' Vimeo profiles.

    This project offers a daily selection of current and past experimental films. A keyword index to browse through the selection is provided on CATALOG's website.

    CATALOG is curated by Italian filmmaker Stefano Miraglia. Guest curators will be featured throughout the year.


  • Werner Nekes (1944-2017)

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    Werner Nekes, one of Germany's top experimental artists died last January 22, aged 72 in his home.

    Nekes was particularly active as an experimental filmmaker during the late 60s and 70s. His films screened world-wide and were honored wiith a multitude of prizes and awards. At the same time he became more and more entangled in a growing passion of collecting pre-cinema optical devices ultimately ending up as a preeminent collector who frequently used these devices in his later essay-style films.


  • LVA 40

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    2016 marks both the 50th anniversary of the London Film-Makers’ Co-operative (LFMC) and the 40th anniversary of London Video Arts (LVA) – two predecessor organisations of LUX. To celebrate 50 years of artists’ moving image practice in the UK, LUX has organised a year-long, multi-venue programme of screenings, talks, workshops, publications and other events.

    LUX also invited the first-year students of MRes Art: Moving Image, Central Saint Martins, London to contribute to this programme by curating and designing an online exhibition in response to the joint LFMC and LVA anniversary year.  While many of the anniversary events have revisited the historical activity and legacy of the LFMC, the students decided to use this opportunity to focus on LVA, acting as a "small yet enthusiastic counterpoint to the core programme by drawing from the wealth of LVA tapes in LUX’s video archive."


  • New Experimental Film Society Website

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    I am delighted to announce the relaunch of the Experimental Film Society website. Boasting a brand new design by freelance web developer Ciarán Hickey, it covers every aspect of EFS activity: newseventsprojects, comprehensive member profiles. It is also the main platform for our Video On Demand catalogue where over forty feature and medium length films are available to stream or download. The site also features links to our online journal EFS Publications and to an archive of all past news. We have added a subscription facility, so you can sign up for automatic updates on our screening events, and a donate button for anyone wishing to help support our creative activities. A big thank you to the amazing Ciarán Hickey for his superb design and all the work he put into creating this site from scratch.

    Happy browsing! –Rouzbeh Rashidi


  • Bruce Baillie Kickstarter project

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    Este proyecto quiere preservar las películas y el legado de Bruce Baillie, una las voces más influyentes del cine de vanguardia de EE.UU. Queremos promover el trabajo de Baillie a través de una publicación bilingüe (inglés-español) y un tour internacional de sus películas.

    El libro será publicado por Interior XIII y el Festival de Cine Distrital contando con los siguientes autores: Steve Anker, Scott MacDonald, Richard Peña, Denah Johnston, JP Sniadecki, Janis Crystal Lipzin, Andréa Picard, Peter Tscherkassky, Ben Rivers y Peter Hutton. Garbiñe Ortega es la responsable de la investigación y edición del libro y de la curaduría del ciclo.

    El tour comenzó en la Film Society del Lincoln Center en Nueva York y continua en España (La Casa Encendida, CCCB, Tabakalera), Gran Bretaña (Tate Modern) y en distintos museos en EE.UU como la National Gallery of Art de Washington o RedCat en Los Angeles. 

