Últimas noticias

  • Tune in to Green - Exhibition Seven

    Diorama Room Arts is accepting short films/videos, from around the world, that focus on a dialogue between humans and nature, for its seventh Tune in to Green online exhibition. The exhibition will be available for rent at Vimeo On Demand.

    The theme for this show is Summer, tropics, freedom, beaches, fish, water, or nature in general.
    Novices, Semi-Pros, and Pros are all welcome to apply. Experimental and Documentary short films/videos considered.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Mayo 1, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • बमबरम Bambaram - a Spinning Top: Films from Harkat Film Lab (Mumbai)

    LaborBerlin is pleased to present a programme with films by members of our fellow filmlab Harkat Lab from Mumbai. Harkat Lab was founded three years ago as part of Harkat Studios, a production company who turn their space into an off-space on several evenings a week, showing a diverse program of theater plays and concerts. Based on this existing community, Harkat Lab have evolved over the past three years in terms of personnel, technology and space, and established international connections.


    Domingo, Mayo 1, 2022 - 19:00


    PA58 - Berlin-Wedding, Alemania
  • M3-G3: Open Call For Video Arts

    SPHERE invites films and video art as part of a multi-sensory exploration of the theme(s) of [M3: migration-movement-mobility]. Attending to the distinct yet interconnected registers of the sonic, the visual, and the gustatory, the idea is to orchestrate an experimental performance involving a screening of the films alongside live music and culinary curation while searching for the grains [G3] through cross encounters.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Abril 24, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • World Cinema Carnival: Open Call For Moving Images

    In mathematics and abstract algebra, a relation algebra is a residuated Boolean algebra expanded with an involution called converse, a unary operation. On par, World Cinema Carnival wishes to explore the other faces of ideocracy through interrelationships between humans. In this paralyzed motion of Ideocracy defines " the governance of a state according to the principles of no particular ideology; where a state or country can govern in no particular way".

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Octubre 30, 2022 (Todo el día)
  • Panorámica Experimental

    Seminario teórico-práctico dirigido a artistas residentes en todo el mundo, con experiencia en trabajo audiovisual (cine experimental, videoarte, etc.) que cuenten con proyectos en desarrollo vinculados al cine experimental.


    Miércoles, Mayo 4, 2022 - De 19:00 hasta 21:00
    Miércoles, Mayo 11, 2022 - De 19:00 hasta 21:00
    Miércoles, Mayo 18, 2022 - De 19:00 hasta 21:00
    Miércoles, Mayo 25, 2022 - De 19:00 hasta 21:00
    Miércoles, Junio 1, 2022 - De 19:00 hasta 21:00
