Últimas noticias

  • The Women's Film Preservation Fund Present's Two Films on Art and Survival: SURIVA and GLASS GARDENS

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    SURVIVA, directed by Ariel Dougherty and Carol Clement, a Women’s Film Preservation Fund (WFPF) preservation premiere, and Lisa Crafts' GLASS GARDENS, an earlier WFPF preservation, view the theme of art making and survival from different perspectives: SURVIVA, on a pragmatic level focusing on the day to day concerns of a group of women artists and GLASS GARDENS, showing the power of a woman’s artistic drive, even in the worst of times.  In both films animation figures prominently.


    Miércoles, Marzo 22, 2023 - 19:00


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Mostra Del Nuovo Cinema Di Pesaro 2023 - Call For Entries

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    The competition (focused on experimental cinema) is open to films of any language and format, provided that they are Italian premières and the year of production is not prior to 2022. Mostra del nuovo Cinema di Pesaro will take place from 17-24 June.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Abril 2, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Alternative Film/Video 2023 - Call for Entries

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    Alternative 2023 is officially open for submissions to the international competition. Alternative Film/Video 2023 will take place from 6-9 December at Students’ City Cultural Center in Belgrade.

    The deadline is 15 April 2023. Access the entry form here —> https://tally.so/r/w8qZzo

    Fecha límite: 

    Sábado, Abril 15, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Open Call for Project Space Residency (Fall 2023 - Spring 2024)

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    The Project Space is a studio workspace for artists working primarily but not exclusively in photography, book art, film, and media art. Each year, a committee of VSW staff and outside artists and curators review applications and select up to 20 artists for 4-week terms.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Abril 2, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Xcèntric: Werner Nekes / Paul Sharits. Por un cine vibrante

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    En las películas estructuralistas de esta sesión, el alemán Werner Nekes y el estadounidense Paul Sharits parten de un único recurso: las panorámicas sobre la línea del horizonte, el primero, y la doble proyección de colores puros, el segundo. Esto les sirve para explorar musicalmente las variaciones de la luz y el color, expandiendo la pantalla y ampliando nuestra percepción.


    Jueves, Marzo 16, 2023 - 19:00

