Últimas noticias

  • Monticello Park Film Festival

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    Submissions Open for New Experimental Film Festival in New York City

    The Monticello Park Film Festival has announced the first edition of it's film festival focused exclusively on experimental, avant-garde, and non-traditional cinema from emerging artists.

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Abril 28, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Xcèntric: Mar, paseos, flujos de pensamiento

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    Según el lugar común, en experiencias cercanas a la muerte llegamos a ver las imágenes de nuestra vida proyectadas en el tiempo condensado de un instante. A través de las metáforas del agua y del paseo, las películas de este programa presentan distintas formas de visualizar el flujo de pensamiento y la concatenación de las imágenes en la memoria.


    Domingo, Febrero 5, 2023 - 18:30


  • Open Call Digital Alchemies

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    Open call / moving images / video installation / still images
    experimental digital cinema / experimental photography

    Collective exhibition in a Parisian gallery, March/May 2023.

    This curatorial proposal wishes to explore the artistic production of visual forms from algorithms and conscious work with interfaces, in an introspective framework that seeks to identify the specificities of each creative process.

    Fecha límite: 

    Miércoles, Marzo 1, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • The New Film Underground: Seeking Experimental Shorts by Los Angeles Filmmakers

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    This call is exclusive to filmmakers based in the Los Angeles metro area. We are looking for strange and experimental shorts to be featured in The New Film Underground Volume 6 screening on Feb. 25th in downtown Los Angeles.


    FIlms must be 15 min. or less. Filmmaker must indicate their zip code in the submission. Again, only filmmakers based in Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernadio County, Riverside County, Ventura County.

    Submit on Filmfreeway or by e-mail. 

    More info:

    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Enero 31, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Jumana Manna: Wild Relatives

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    Graced with beauty, humanity, irony, and touches of humour, Jumana Manna’s sophomore feature witnesses the afterlife of a unique event that captured headlines worldwide: the first complete withdrawal of a nation’s seed collection from the ​doomsday vault” (officially known as the Global Seed Vault), which is burrowed deep beneath the Arctic permafrost as an agricultural safeguard should disaster strike. The film traces the journey taken by the Syrian backup seeds:


    Miércoles, Enero 25, 2023 - 19:00


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • Live Soundtrack 2023 - Call for entries

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    Monthly festival / A/V event "Live Soundtrack" is seeking for short or feature films without dialogue, which will be accompanied by alternative soundtracking and live performances by various electronic / ambient/ electroacoustic musicians, during the 8th season of the event (April - December 2023). Festival organiser is the curator of the musicians for each event, but a collaboration with the original composer of the film is also possible, if in Europe!

    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Marzo 28, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Cut frames, Captured pixels: found footage, film, & video

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    Found footage filmmaking is a practice involving reappropriating and remixing previously shot or created materials for new, innovative purposes. Filmmakers working in this tradition utilize many different methods of transforming moving images—from physically manipulating motion-picture film to juxtaposing disparate content through clever editing to glitching digital video and video game software—to critically examine its original meaning, context, and cultural significance.


    De Jueves, Enero 12, 2023 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Marzo 18, 2023 (Todo el día)


    Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts - Tallahassee, Estados Unidos
