Últimas noticias

  • Films by Valentina Alvarado Matos and Carlos Vásquez Méndez

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    Films by Valentina Alvarado Matos and Carlos Vásquez Méndez
    In person and online
    Artists in person

    Screening of films by Barcelona-based filmmakers and artists Valentina Alvarado Matos and Carlos Vásquez Méndez, both of whom will be attending in person. The event will be accessible online as well, with a live streaming of the introduction and Q&A from the gallery.


    Lunes, Abril 10, 2023 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Dominic Angerame: A Complete Retrospective, Program 4: It's a R(eel) A(nswer) P(rints)!

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    This is the fourth and final screening of the complete retrospective of the work of Dominic Angerame. Since 1968 Angerame has produced more than 30 films on 16mm and several newer works in digital format. Some of these films have never had a public screening. Many of Angerame's films show San Francisco, the city he has lived and worked in since 1979, and its varying cityscape as it looks and changes over time. He has also created short comedies, short-form documentaries and many diary films.


    Sábado, Mayo 6, 2023 - 20:00


    Shapeshifters Cinema - Oakland, Estados Unidos
  • Women. From War to War - Open-call for international animators and videoartists

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    For the participatory animated documentary film as part of the non-profit project "Women. From War to War" shorts are accepted. Any of the techniques, drawn or computer 2D animation, video collage, editing or 3D, whichever best conveys your author's idea. Is there an armed conflict going on in your country right now? If yes, it will be about it. If not, there could be about escalating military violence, tensions over war in neighboring countries, or dissatisfaction with a dictatorial regime, protests now.

    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Abril 25, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Xcèntric: Fever Dreams

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    Las cinco cineastas de esta sesión conciben el cine como un medio total con el que despertar los sentidos. En este programa, la vida y los rituales domésticos o los periodos de gestación dejan progresivamente paso a la exploración de la sensualidad y la sexualidad, el inconsciente y el deseo o el delirio y el trance. Las experiencias sensoriales desembocan aquí en las fantasías más extáticas.


    Jueves, Abril 13, 2023 - 19:00


  • Objetos Celestes. El cine y el Cosmos

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    Este programa, comisariado por Andrea Franco, trata de recoger la fascinación por la Astronomía y el Cosmos de una serie de cineastas que, ya desde los orígenes del cine, han explorado la apariencia y los misterios del universo. La pantalla se despliega aquí como un cielo nocturno capaz de revelar, no solo fenómenos invisibles a simple vista, como muestran los films de Emily Richardson o Dominic Angerame, sino también fantasías extravagantes, fruto de la imaginación del artista, (Segundo de Chomón, Georges Méliès…).


    Sábado, Abril 15, 2023 - 20:00
    Sábado, Junio 17, 2023 - 20:00


    Espacio Vilaseco - Chantada, España
